Page 145 of Stars on Fire

The Riders sprawled on the water’s edge—each grim-faced and unrelenting in their commitment to remain in the cavern until their brother woke.

Suddenly the pool’s waters began to ripple with a small surge. They spiralled around Kainan, swiftly changing the water’s surface into a swirling, writhing mass.

The group rose to their feet as Selene inhaled in panic and tried to take a step forward. But Sheba pulled her back.

‘Sel, wait,’ she insisted. ‘Something’s happening with his vitals.’

She gestured to the comm tab.

Selene dived for the screen. ‘What does it say?’ she demanded, flicking her eyes between the screen and the pool where Kainan lay, unaware of the turmoil in the waters that held him.

‘The replication of healthy metanoids is increasing incredibly fast.’

‘Indeed,’ Mirage called out from the ledge above. ‘They’re powering down his rogue chimera atoms. They’re being neutralised.’

‘His other systems are also healing fast. So fast!’ Sheba breathed.

On the other side of the cavern, the five Sable Riders gazed at each other momentarily. Then as one, they waded into the water, fighting its powerful waves to stand in a circle around their still-sleeping brother.

‘What’s happening?’ Selene said.

Sheba lifted a hand to pause her sister’s worried outburst. ‘Ki’Remi is speaking with me. He says he’s almost sure he knows what’s happening. This is the final stage of the healing process. We need to let it happen. He also says the Riders will protect Kainan should anything unexpected happen. Which is why they’re surrounding him.’

Selene took a shaky breath. Then she scrabbled for Rina and Sheba’s hands, and the women held on tightly to each other.

Around them, the cavern seemed to have come alive. Sparks from swarms of agitated bioluminescent bugs zipped above the water. A wild wind flew into the cave, whipping at their clothes and hair. A column of whirling air and mist formed over the water’s surface, agitated by an unseen energy.

While they all watched, the column formed a vortex. It whirled with such intensity the three women almost fell back. A powerful funnel formed over the rocking body, rising higher and higher towards the cave roof. The tail of the water spout then bent until it touched Kainan’s body, and they saw it glow as it sucked up a wild luminescence from his body. The liquid vortex expanded then suddenly, and it came to a stop. The column fell back to the surface with a loud splash before slowly dying away.

A hush fell over the cavern.

It was broken moments later by Kainan, thrashing in the water. The Riders surged to hold him steady, but he powerfully pushed off their efforts. He rose out of the pool, swaying slightly.

He opened his eyes to the astonished expressions of the group surrounding him.

‘What are you all staring at?’ he groused.

‘At you,khosi! Damn!’ Kage blurted. ‘You’ve risen from the dead looking ten years younger. Damn, I need some of this healing water too!’

Kainan glanced down at his reflection on the wet surface and drew a sharp breath. The man he saw there was indeed a reborn version of himself. ‘Fokk me,’ he breathed.

Seconds later, he almost fell back into the pool as Selene launched herself at him.

He wrapped his arms around her, shaking his head as if to clear out a nightmare.

‘Is this real?’ he rasped.

‘It’s real,’ Sheba called out, brandishing the comm tab with Ki’Remi by her side. ‘Ki’Remi confirms what the comm tab is saying. All indications are that your metanoids are now regenerating at a healthy pace! And that there’s no sign of the rogue DNA that was assaulting them.’

The gathered group sagged in deep relief. The Sable Riders clapped hands around each other while Rina and Sheba fell into a hug. Even Mirage lost her cool, flying around the cavern in mid-air dips and rolls.

Still standing in the grotto pool, Selene looked up at Kainan with wonder. She traced her hands over his brow, his cheek and chin. She touched the new, smooth skin and the pulsing kaleidoscope of nebula tattoos on his shoulders. Moments later, she worked back to his face, pressing her fingers against his cooled lips. Even his hair had regenerated, falling back to his shoulders once again.

‘You’ve never looked healthier, stronger and more handsome,khaji,’ she said softly.

He stared down at her, the familiar sapphire gold gaze lighting her on fire like always.

Then he captured her lips with his.