Page 99 of Stars on Fire


Souls In The Sky


While they deeply regretted it, the Council readily forgave Kainan, Rina and Selene for the escape of the coup’s leader, Massimo Makori.

They were more than pleased that the three of them had worked so hard to free the planet from the control of the One Dunia Coalition.

They especially reassured Kainan that the planet saw him and the Edenites as heroes who’d worked tirelessly for their freedom. They’d then insisted on celebrating the victory in style.

Regardless of their support, Kainan had seemed unconvinced about the praise and accolades they’d given him when the trio had reported to the Council on the same day of Makori’s escape.

Selene knew he was smarting deeply about the fiasco. So she’d wisely kept her mouth shut and let him come to his own peace about it.

It seems everyone else had. The Council, her ministers and even Rina were all now focused on celebrating the True Prime’s return to power.Her return to power.

This thought alone terrified her somewhat. Yet she took on the mantle with some grace despite the grief and swirl of emotions that still rocked her every night when she closed her eyes. Never-ending thoughts about her father. Kainan. Dunia. They all consumed her until she fell into a restless sleep and haunted her waking hours.

‘The first official government banquet to celebrate Free Dunia Month is tomorrow evening,’ Commerce Minister Genevieve Ravi’s announcement cut into Selene’s thoughts at the first Security Council meeting held since the coup.

‘It’s ‘month’ now, is it?’ Selene asked with a smile.

‘At this rate, it’s going to be ‘year’ very soon,’ Rina quipped from across the expansive Cabinet room as yet another loud cheer emanated from the streets below.

It was three weeks after the victory, yet the people were still celebrating. Spontaneous dancing still stopped traffic. Thousands of civilians catered up a storm each night for the infantry still patrolling the streets. The cookouts and barbecues inevitably turned into all-night parties. Singing bands played non-stop outside the Parliament while crowds gathered each evening for the rendition of the planet’s anthem.

Wineries and distilleries created signature batches honouring the victory. Fashion labels designed one-off ‘Free Dunia’ collections for the hundreds of balls and parties all over Dunia. There was even a trending new pastry, the ‘freedom’ bun, selling like hot cakes in all local bakeries. The circular buttery delight featured local whisky-soaked dried fruit with a big dollop of cream, decorated with strips of coloured marzipan in the planet’s flag colours of gold, white and purple.

Though short and contracted, the fierce battle for Dunia’s control had deeply impacted its people. Launching them into feverish displays of their loyalty and love for their planet.

‘Who are we expecting tomorrow?’ Selene asked Paloma Mware, the foreign minister and official organiser of the event.

‘Almost the entire system will have representatives, Excellency,’ Paloma said, consulting her comm tab for confirmation. ‘We have RSVPs from King Auban VI and Queen Sanjana of Rhesus, King Judahk and Queen Nevaeh of Galicia, Emperor Micinus and Empress Noanus of Iccythria, Prime Minister and Sheikh Bagua of Sirius III. The Economic Alliance Commissioner, President Cora Yuzeria, will also be among the dignitaries. The Kugwe of the Ruling Elders of Eden II, J’Kuu Kabi, and her elder Council will also attend. As will the Sable Riders, all of whom have RSVP’d.’

Selene’s heart knocked in her chest at the mention of the Edenites.

‘The Sable Group has also kindly volunteered some of their elite guards to help augment security at the banquet,’ Rina added, giving Selene a quick but loaded glance.

‘That’s very kind of them,’ Selene murmured, ignoring the sudden kick in her heart.

‘Our local dignitaries have all RSVPd,’ Paloma continued. ‘All senators and key representatives, mayors from the major cities across the planet that remained loyal to Free Dunia. The navy and army, of course, including General McKenzie, now the General of all Armies and the Special Ops Command Force stationed at Rambasa -.’

Selene tuned out the minister’s voice, letting her mind wander.

She’d last seen Kainan twenty days ago, on the fateful day when Massimo had escaped the planet. After reporting to the Security Council, he’d left abruptly on Mirage, claiming he had work to return to on Eden II. She hadn’t heard a word from him since then.

She’d tried to put him out of her mind. Filling her days with work. First, with the arduous task of replacing the entire Ministry of Defence department. She’d been in endless interviews with candidates across the spectrum for the position of its head but still hadn’t found anyone she could trust well enough with the role. She’d asked Rina, but her best friend seemed battle worn and had begged off the function, claiming it was too much to handle and that she wasn’t cut out for it yet. Selene instead proposed that Rina help in a temporary capacity, overseeing the ongoing security of Dunia. Rina had agreed and was liaising with General McKenzie. Who needed time to rebuild his armies and urgently focus targeted investment in tanks and personnel, as well as enforce a new doctrine around the planet’s security readiness moving forward.

The only thing Selena had agreed with Massimo on was that her father, Kei’Lano, had been entirely too much of a pacifist in the years leading up to the coup, which had led to Dunia’s military suffering from years of fiscal neglect. The coup had illustrated its shortcomings. The armed forces had barely been capable of staging a feasible planet-wide defence and had not fulfilled their constitutional mandate.

Selene had been forced to step in to augment their forces by appealing to a foreign power. She had no intention of keeping Dunia in such a poor bargaining and strategic position ever again. But to enact everything she wanted to do, she sorely needed a competent Defence Head to take on the full responsibility.

Someone who could work with General McKenzie. To assess and clarify the internal and external defence capability required to build a credible deterrence alongside the quantity and quality of personnel necessary to meet this capability.

Selene was also dealing with the effective governance of all government portfolios, with a longest-term focus while balancing any partisan planet-wide responsibilities and system-wide diplomatic relations.

She felt overwhelmed. She also wished, with some futility, that Kainan was close by her. To give her his level-headed opinion and lend her his incredible knowledge of armies, defences and the political machinations in-between.