Page 91 of Stars on Fire

‘You’re just a believer in true love. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’re a forever kind of girl. Our hopeless romantic.’

Selene shrugged. ‘I can’t help it. It’s the way I’m built. I’ve tried to forget him, forget what we had, but something keeps pulling me back in. Or maybe he infused some of his metanoids into me because I can’t seem to get rid of him here,’ she said, pointing to her chest.

‘So what now, Sel?’ Rina asked, compassion wrinkling her forehead.

Selene looked off into the distance where tiny furballs dared to frolic happily, unaware of the storm within her. ‘I have to find a way to forget him somehow,’ she sighed. ‘I know I’m acting all stalkerish, so I’ll stop monitoring his movements - it’s not helping me.’

Rina nodded. ‘Agreed. I’ll stalk him for you. It’s part of my duty, after all. Do you want to know if anything does happen to him?’ she asked.

‘Of course,’ Selene sighed. ‘I can’t turn off the fact that I’ll probably always care for him.’

‘Do you think he cares about you?’

‘I can’t tell,’ Selene said, her gaze trailing off to the peak of the forest beyond. ‘He speaks to me as if he does, but we met during a time of great tension and emotion. I don’t know whether he sees me as just another wartime hookup or, worse still, a Sable Rider groupie at hand to help him release the tension of battle.’

Rina contemplated Selene’s words for a moment, then shook her head. ‘Don’t think so. Everything I’ve seen about Kainan tells me he’s a very considered individual. He’s extremely strategic and puts a lot of thinking behind everything he does.’

‘That may be so. But Kainan also seems to have all manner of beauties across the System lusting after him.’

‘That doesn’t mean he’s slept with them or is a playboy,’ Rina countered.

‘Well, about that - I did meet one of his ex-lovers, groupies, whatever -.’

‘No!’ Rina scoffed.

‘Yes, ma’am,’ Selene said with a small laugh. ‘So much drama. We think she passed on my Eden II location to Massimo when he sent the crats after me. In revenge for seeing me with Kainan.’

Rina shook her head. ‘Wow, just wow!’ She took a drink from her cup and continued. ‘But I’ll lean on what I’ve seen and heard so far from him. I see that he’s honourable and he’s a great leader. He’s also a healthy man who probably had no desire for commitment until he met you. But you shouldn’t underestimate yourself, Selene. You’re the Prime-in-Waiting of an entire planet. You’re beautiful, kind, caring, intelligent, strong, and badass. He’d be stupid not to see that, and we know he’s not dumb. So he must have a valid reason for making you focus on what you have now. It sounds like he hasn’t closed the blast doors on your connection. He’s just slowed the trajectory down. So if I were you, I’d wait this out. See what happens and give him a chance to work out how to win your heart. If he chooses to pass, it’s the universe saying there’s a better man for you.’

‘Woah! You need to quit the army and start a motivational holo business, woman,’ Selene teased, raising a brow at her friend. ‘Seriously though, what you’ve said makes sense. If he chooses to be with me, so be it. If he doesn’t, I’ll survive it, somehow. For now, I need to concentrate on regaining control of this planet.’

‘That old chestnut - and teeny weeny task on your list,’ Rina grinned.

Selene leaned over and gave Rina a spontaneous hug. ‘Thank you for listening and for being such a good friend.’

‘Anytime, boo bear, anytime.’


Free Dunia Day!

Dozens of militia and treasonous leaders arrested!

Rumours of Massimo’s capture!

Massimo’s treason means death!

No slackening until Massimo is behind bars for life!

The One Dunia Coalition is ousted!

New Malindi is finally in complete control of the Free Dunia Council!

The True Prime to take back her seat!

The holo news headlines were fervent and high-pitched with excitement. They reiterated victory news and proclaimed the date of Massimo’s capture as the official freedom day.

Exultant crowds poured into streets across Dunia’s cities to celebrate the news.