He intrigued her, challenged her, annoyed her and made her feel more alive than she’d ever felt.
But now was not the time to explore her feelings further. So, with a sigh, she tucked into the delectable meal he’d set before her. At the same time, willing her mind to focus on what had brought her to Eden II.
Selene walked into Kainan’s study, a room lined with books, some ancient, some collectibles.
He stood before a bank of holo screens flickering with data, telemetry, news feeds and winking maps. He turned and jerked his chin at her in greeting.
‘Hey,’ she called out. ‘Now that I’m here, may I please send a tight beam to Rhesia?’
Kainan whirled around to face her, his eyes narrowed. ‘A tight beam?’
‘It’s the one thing I must do before we begin our meetings today,’ she warned. ‘I must contact the Rhesian Royal family and tell them our plans.’
‘As part of the pact Dunia signed with Rhesia many years ago, I have to inform them, as our allies, of any military or defensive-related programs we undertake. Especially if they have to do with a third foreign or alien government that could upset the balance of power in the System.’
‘Do they have to know about us?’
Selene sighed. ‘I can try and keep The Sable Group out of my update with them, but I’m sure they’ll figure it out somehow.’
‘What will they say about you working with us instead of reaching out to them?’ Kainan countered.
‘Honestly, I don’t think they can do much to help us even if I ask,’ Selene told him. ‘It’s not a well-kept secret that Rhesia, for all its champagne and baubles, is in economic strife. Mainly because of its dwindling energy resources.’
‘Tell me more,’ Kainan probed.
‘For centuries, the Rhesians relied heavily on mining orhial, their fuel source similar to Earth’s coal. It’s been depleted in most mines for a few years now, which is why they came to us for the supply of xentium a few months ago. We agreed to supply them, but not enough for their entire planet’s needs.’
Kainan raised an eyebrow. ‘I see you’re apprised of their situation.’
‘And you’re not surprised to hear what I just said, so you, too, know they’re in trouble.’
He simply shrugged.
‘Anyway,’ Selene continued, ‘They’ve left their negotiations too late and are on the cusp of an energy meltdown. Why? Because they’ve always been reluctant to ask for help from the other planets in the System. The Rhesians have always been too proud to beg for what they need, arrogant in their image as the founders of the System. They’ve allowed much of their world to get run down and kept the extent of it secret. They wanted to maintain the image of sophisticated wealth when in fact, they’ve been struggling for years. Because of their precarious economic position, I don’t think they have the funds and resources to help us arm against The Technocracy.’
‘Would they have any say in how you conduct the incursion?’
‘In one word, no.’
‘But you still need to comm them,’ Kainan stated drily.
‘It’s only courtesy and part of my duty. Is it possible to reach them?’ she insisted.
He gave her a wry smile. ‘Anything’s possible, Selene. Anything for you.’
Kainan touched his wrist comm and turned to the large screens. ‘Mirage, can you initiate a two-way tight beam comm to Rhesia? Using a random pattern encrypted with a spread spectrum? And patch it directly to King Auban’s office?’
‘Khosi,’ the AI said. ‘That’s no problem. Who will be making the call, may I ask?’
‘And you want to hide our location and any markers?’
‘Scrub the link of all and any Sable Group involvement. Place her in the middle of a forest on Dunia. Somewhere near the Enclave I picked her up from.’
‘De nada.Not a problem at all.’