Page 159 of Stars on Fire


Forget his fractal shield and armoured suit.

The impressive specimen that required intense study was under that helmet and suit.

Harlow swallowed.


The armoured suit was straining against the mountain of muscle that was ALL of him. His shoulders were a wall unto themselves. His shredded arms crossed over a chest that was generous and bulky. Not exactly flat, but Harlow wouldn’t have dared run into it because it looked like he bounced boulders off it for fun. His hips were low and muscled. And his thighs!Mother, they kept on giving. The intertwined logs sculpted down to his massive booted feet, one of which was braced back against the wall.

But it was his face that threw her for six.

It was crowned with a mass of short jet-black hair with streaks of blue and silver.

Below a broad, powerful forehead were eyes in a storm of deep-set, silver grey. Further, a broken nose, chiselled and angular. Lips full and lush. Then there was the swathe of jagged scars down one side of his face. Framed by a bushy black beard shot with silver. Under which she could see a stubborn jaw.

She ran her eyes over his face again, noting the lines under and along his bloodshot eyes. He wasn’t some opportunistic food stalker. On the contrary, he was a dangerously potent and armed man.

Hot damn.

But first things first.

‘Who are you?’ she shot out.

He pushed off the wall with his boot, running a palm over his face. Harlow almost touched the weariness oozing from every pore of his body.

‘Kage. Also known as Shadow.’ His voice was low, gravelly, with an intonation she couldn’t quite place.


‘I’m a friend of Selene Munene. She sent me to transport you to safety.’

Harlow pulled a face. ‘Selene sent you? To track me down in Axuma and send me where?’

‘To Zulu One. The command centre for the Free Dunia Coalition.’

Harlow arched an eyebrow in disbelief. ‘But why would she do that?’

‘We have intel that Massimo Makori, who has some idea of your work here on Axuma, might be trying to get a hold of you and, therefore, of your project’s research. We’ve intercepted comms that he’s hired a group of dangerouskinais, now active on Axuma, specifically to track you down. We have to get you out of here ASAP.’

‘Damn,’ Harlow said, shocked. ‘And how do you know Selene?’

‘My, shall we say, band of brothers have been helping the alliance against the coup.’

Harlow was unconvinced. ‘How can I be sure you’re working with her?’

He tapped his wrist comm, rapidly swiping his lean, long fingers across the screen. Shortly, a 3D holo display popped up to reveal Selene’s face.

‘Harlow honey, this is pre-recorded. Shadow, also called Kage, is a good friend. He’s from Eden II. He’s part of The Sable Group, which has been instrumental in helping us take back Dunia. We also have credible evidence that you’re a target because of your research work which Massimo would love to get his hands on. So please, don’t be your usual stubborn self. Let Shadow bring you to where I am. On Arumba at one of our safe garrisons. It’ll be temporary, hon. The sooner we get Dunia back in our control, the sooner we can get you back home. So pack a small bag, grab your research and get here.’

The display flickered to a close, and Kage withdrew his arm.

‘You’re part of The Sable Group?’ Harlow said slowly.

He nodded.

She was immediately intrigued, given she’d always wondered what or who was behind them. ‘I know a little about your outfit,’ she mused. ‘Rumours have it that y’all run the best ship-building shop in all of Pegasi. You churn out the fastest, sleekest fighters, interceptors, gunships and racing pinnaces. Your security tech rocks and your weapons manufacturing is state-of-the-art.’