Page 158 of Stars on Fire

Younger than he’d expected, given her scientific accomplishments to date. Mid-thirties, he estimated. A bundle of energy and sass from head to toe. Starting with her partially shaved haircut, with an elongated black bob to one side shimmering with purple gold highlights. It fell against her honey-coloured soft cheek, giving Kage the urge to reach out and touch it. Her ’tude came to life in her hazel eyes, accentuated by nature’s liner and impossibly long lashes. Below that was her pert nose and full lips. Followed by her even more magnificent curves, accentuated by a close-fitted, rainbow-hued V-necked dress.

Sexy, saucy and smart to boot.

It irked him some that she’d busted him, stealth cover and all.

Yet he was a man who knew when to cut his losses.

So he conceded and was about to reveal himself when she piped up again.

‘You’re not an assassin because you’ve had plenty of time and opportunity to do your thing. You’re not an ex-lover because no one I’ve been with is that tall. You’re not Dunian because your tech is out of this planet. You’re not the media because they can’t afford even one arm of your gear. You’re good but not that good because I busted you.’

She paused in thought, and then her large eyes grew even wider.

‘Wait, it’s the food, right? You’re after my cake and curls! I heard people were stalking takeaway diners from House M’Osia after they didn’t get reservations.’

She extended her to-go bag in his general direction, her face a picture of genuine horror. ‘Here, take it. It’s not that serious!’

This time he couldn’t help himself.

He laughed out loud.

His amusement turned into a full-blown guffaw.

He shook with mirth. He felt tears run down his cheeks.

After a few moments lost in a laughing jag, he looked up to see Harlow aiming a frosty look in his direction.

‘You all done now?’ she shot at him.

‘Fokk! It’s been a long couple of quantum-crazy weeks. Didn’t know that laugh was what I needed.’

‘Are you after my food or not?’

‘I’m starving, that’s for sure. But I won’t take your food, Harlow,’ he told her, barely controlling his chuckles.

Her brows rose. ‘You know my name?’

‘I do.’

‘Don’t know yours, and I still can’t see you,’ she said bluntly. ‘It’s getting rather silly talking to a somewhat empty wall.’

‘Your wish is my command, Miss Meridien,’ Kage drawled.

She rolled her eyes in his direction and crossed her hands over her generous chest.

He sent a quick command to his neural node and HUD. His suit glimmered, and he appeared, leaning against the entrance wall to her apartment.

To her credit, she didn’t break out into a scream.

Instead, he watched her eyes widen, her irises tracking the entire length of his tall and broad frame, from his helmet to his low-sheen, fitted meta suit and thick, anti-grav boots, taking note of his side piece and knife slots.

She leaned in, studying the suit closely.

‘I was right,’ she whispered, almost to herself, peering closer to look. ‘A meta-material fractal shield. Built into an armoured suit. No, wait, integrated under the skin. It’s bio-nano tech. Wild!’

‘Impressive deduction,’ he drawled, as his reflective visor helmet retracted away from his face and scalp.

Her eyes opened wide. ‘Well, hello!’ she said under her breath.