All he’d wanted was for this fokkin’ day to be over.
So he could burn to Eden II in under three hours, land at J’Urg Mihòr, and smash through the doors of his moonscape retreat.
Shower in a head that flowed with hot water pouring from a ceiling of stars.
Nab a bottle of craft beer and a large plate of home-made deliciousness.
Fall into his floating bed. Under a nebula-filled plex ceiling.
And there he’d remain. For days. On end.
Instead, he was on Axuma doing a favour for Dunia’s Prime leader in exile, Selene Munene.
It wasn’t working in his favour, though.
Evidenced by the fact his quarry was staring straight at him as if she could see right through his meta fractal shield.
Fokk! She’d detected him. But damn, she was good.
He felt a mix of wtf-ness shoved in with a hella lot of respect.
‘You’re wasting my time!’
Kage’s brow lifted, his stealth gaze drawn to her tapping foot. Through the haze of his exhaustion, he appreciated that Harlow Meridien was one gorgeous woman, even while working her foot like she was.
‘I don’t have time for this,’ she snapped.
Still, he stood there debating with his ego.
‘Twas not the way he’d slated meeting her.
It was certainly NOT the way he’d thought his day would end.
Unable to refuse the request from hiskhosi’swoman and especially aware of his quarry’s strategic importance to the Dunian and Sable Rider cause, he’d hauled ass to Axuma.
Truth be told, he’d been intrigued by the woman he’d heard was developing a new technology - a groundbreaking hybrid FTL fuel created from a rare fusion of refined xentium and elentium. He wanted to meet the mind responsible for this so-called powerful anti-grav propulsion fuel rumoured to be far superior to nuclear power and antimatter. So he’d pushed himself.
Drained from flying sorties over New Malindi for days on end, he’d arrived dead tired, snarling hungry and super cranky at her street. Still in his meta suit. Riding the mean mutha of a flyer that he stored on his corvette.
He’d frightened a few locals when he’d arrived at her building, causing them to scurry away at the sight of his menacing, growling craft. He’d parked it and was about to comm Kainan to confirm his arrival when his mark unexpectedly appeared at her building’s entrance-way, leaving for what seemed to be a dinner date.
Her face matched the identikit on his wrist comm, so he’d sat back in his blacked-out machine and watched her laugh as she spoke to someone on her comm tab. His flyer’s sophisticated microphone had caught her excitement about the menu at some fancy restaurant. He’d felt an unexpected kick to his centre at her husky, lilting voice.
Loathe to spoil her plans, he’d triggered his metanoids and effectively disappeared into the night. Then, after activating its stealth shield, he’d left his flyer parked in her visitor space and legged it after her.
Incongruously, he’d watched a Sable flyer, his own design no less, supped up in hideous gold (which he’d never have approved, so it must have been a custom hatchet job), pull in to pick her up. He’d caught her date’s ogle and tap attempt and growled under his breath, itching to put hands on the jackass.
He’d trailed them to the restaurant, coasting behind them in stealth mode. Found an empty table adjacent to hers and leaned back to watch the show. After all, Kainan insisted that he keep his eyes on Harlow from the moment he caught up to her.
And what a show. It’d certainly kept him entertained and more awake than he’d ever been these past few days.
He’d watched her grit her teeth putting up with that waste of space.
He’d seen how controlled she’d been when she’d given her idiot date a piece of her mind and stifled a chortle at how she’d noped away from him, her ass swinging delectably.
He’d smirked with approval when she’d double-backed and ordered her dessert and cheesy, garlicky curly fries. Starving, he’d even contemplated asking her to get him some. But he hadn’t been ready to break cover. He was having too much fun watching her being her. He’d even enjoyed seeing her almost skip for joy as she walked home, nibbling on her snack and sipping her drink.
Fokk, she was something else. Beauty. Brains. Bounce.