She’d come so much she’d become delirious, begging for release from the intense need that he’d inflamed inside her over and over again.
In between their lovemaking, he’d flown Mirage to a small deserted island off New Malindi’s coast to prevent any possible detection. Then he’d turned around and scorched her again with his sultry kisses and blazing hot strokes.
She’s spent hours imagining this moment with him, but for all of her wild fantasies, the reality was far sweeter, more poignant than she could have ever hoped. Yet his confession of the challenges he faced had put a dampener on her joy. Nevertheless, she knew she was now inextricably linked to this stunning being and was committed to being by his side until they found a way out of his present predicament.
He was so beautiful,she thought, her eyes trailing over his features. She was about to reach a hand to stroke his face when she noticed the time on the command deck chrono.
Fokk! Was it 1600 hours already?
She scrambled for her wrist comm but couldn’t find it. Then she spied it on the crash couch in the distance where Kainan had discarded it in the heat of their lovemaking.
She wriggled as gently as she could from under her man’s embrace. He protested in his sleep, reaching out a muscled arm to try and pull her back.
‘Khamila,’ she heard him murmur, twisting to try and find her on the expansive couch, revealing more of his magnificent glyphed nakedness. She felt her insides clench with desire, and she bit her lip, wanting to run back into his arms.
Damn, wasn’t four times in one night enough?she scolded herself under her breath. Obviously not, because all she wanted to do was race back to the couch and revisit the night, But first, duty called. She hoped against all hope that no one had needed her in an official capacity these past few hours.
Kainan rolled and settled into sleep once more as she walked gingerly to the couch. Her body ached, still unused to the pleasurable punishment it had received most of the night. She gathered her shawl from the floor, wrapping it around her as she flipped over her wrist comm and swiped.
She blinked at the sight of six missed calls, all from Rina.
Curious and a tad concerned, she walked back to the king-size couch where her lover lay and tapped the screen to return the last call.
Its visuals flickered on. To reveal the face of an enraged woman.
‘Selene! Where the fokk are you? We’ve been trying to reach you for the past six hours.’
Selene’s eyes widened at the ferociousness of her friend’s opening salvo.
‘You’re not in your residence,’ Rina yelled at her friend. ‘We’ve searched the grounds, but you’re nowhere to be found. I was about to raise the alarm and get Dunia’s Security Forces mobilised for a major search. Reason for the op? The Prime is missing after a night spent celebrating the planet’s victory over a coup where she was persona numero uno on a system-wide hit list!’
Selene winced, wracked with guilt. ‘I was - kinda - busy?’ she flinched.
Rina paused her outrage. ‘Busy with what?’
Her eyes suddenly widened at the sight of the sleep-dazed man who appeared behind Selene, rubbing a hand over his drowsy eyes, face and beard.
‘What’s going on?’ Kainan yawned, running a muscled hand down Selene’s arm.
‘Dammit, Selene!’ Rina groaned with aggravation, taking in the sight of her friend’s lover. ‘You were booed up? Couldn’t you have sent me a message to tell me where you were?’
Selene lifted her eyebrow, giving her friend a loaded look.
Rina rolled her eyes in response. ‘So you were too busy kicking it orwhatchamacallitto comm me?’
‘Something like that,’ Kainan called out with a snigger from over Selene’s shoulder. ‘You Dunians have some strange vocabulary,’ he added, knifing himself out of bed in all his naked glory.
Rina squealed and covered her eyes. ‘Too much people, too much.’
‘Need a shower,’ Kainan smirked, touching his mouth to Selene’s. Then he muttered, ‘I adore you,khamila.’
With that, he grinned and strode down Mirage’s command deck stairs to the cabin deck, out of earshot, safely away from Rina’s sight.
‘Holy Dunia,’ Selene said, staring after him. ‘I’m sorry,’ she added, returning to her friend.
‘No! You’re not!’ Rina scoffed.
Selene gave her friend a smug look. ‘You’re right. So not sorry!’