Page 113 of Stars on Fire

She made up her mind. She flung herself down the stairs and across the sand.

He watched her come to him, his eyes wide with confusion.

‘But I’m this anomaly,’ he whispered.

Selene ignored him, kneeling before him, carefully touching his body. It was hot but nothing she couldn’t handle. She leaned forward, wrapping her hands around him.

‘Khamila?’ he asked weakly.

‘You’re not an anomaly. But you will need to explain that trick to me in detail.’

‘Fokk,’ he rasped. ‘That little trick took over five years of pain and agony to come up with. Doesn’t it scare you?’

She sat back on her heels and took one of his hands in hers. ‘A tad bit. But it’s not new to me. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen you in this form before.’

He pulled back from her arms, nailing her with a narrowed look. ‘Selene, what are you talking about?’

‘Have you used this power before?’

‘Naam,’ he stated. ‘But only purely in defence and to mete justice,khamila,’ Kainan said. ‘The first time was when slavers tried to steal a couple of orphans from Eden II. The kids were friends of mine. I had to do something. It’s probably where the whispers and rumours of my chimera abilities started. Some orphans saw me transform when I confronted their captors in a tunnel underneath the city. The next time was when a horde of pirates decided they wanted to take over Eden II and make it their home. I obliterated all their ships. They’ve also been a few wayward royalty scums and a crime lord or two I’ve had to deal with. Plus the crats when they attacked The Osirian. Only those who’ve crossed The Sable Group and refused to take no for an answer.’

‘Like Prince Occaro? Of Rhesia?’ she exclaimed.

Kainan’s eyes sliced to her own. ‘Naam,’ he said quietly. ‘How do you know about him?’

‘Because I was there that night. I was outside the door of the Prince’s office. I saw you, in there, in this form you just showed me.’

Kainan’s eyes shut momentarily in deep distress. ‘Fokk, you saw that?’

‘I did. Don’t you remember?’

Kainan cocked his head, trying to recall. ‘You were the woman outside in the corridor,’ he said slowly, his memory of the night coming back to him. ‘When I’m in my chimeric form, I tend to focus only on the task because it takes so much energy from me. Other details can be hazy, to say the least. But I’ve never harmed an innocent person. It goes against my nature, which is why you were safe all along that night. You’ll always be safe with me.’

She searched his eyes until she was satisfied with his response.

‘I believe you. But why did you do it?’ she probed. ‘I received some high-level intel afterwards on him. But no confirmation of who got rid of him or exactly why.’

‘He crossed the wrong people, love. The King of Rhesia, for one. Whose son the Prince tried to murder.’

‘Did the King hire you?’

‘He approached me,naam.’

‘His own brother?’

‘There was no love lost there for many years,’ Kainan confirmed. ‘I happen to know they were at each other’s throats since childhood. But I didn’t do it for Auban or his son. Neither did I take any payment for it. I did it for the innocent families slaughtered on that space liner. Over 3,000 people lost their lives. They were just refugees looking for a safe home. We’d offered it to them on Eden II. They died needlessly because of one man’s greed. Justice had to be served.’

Selene’s eyes were as wide as they could get. ‘You know Rina called you and the Riders vigilante badasses, but this is on another level.’

‘Does it make you want to run?’ he said morosely.

‘Does it look like I’m running?’ she shot back.

He studied her for a long moment. ‘But will you want to stay? I won’t be here for long, my love. This power isn’t doing my body any favours. Unfortunately, my life is at stake. And the end might be gruesome.’

Selene blinked as she considered his words. Unreservedly she reached for him. ‘Kainan, you’re my man. You’ll need to do way more than this to frighten me off ever again.’

She saw and felt something break inside him.