Page 41 of The Baby Contract

Teresa nods, a small smile on her lips. "He's a good man, but he's had a tough past. You need to be patient with him."

I guess I should have expected some pushback; things have almost been too ideal with Gray's family. I peer at Teresa, searching her features for a sign that she's not being sincere.

She laughs softly. "You want to ask me something," she says. "I can tell. So what is it?"

I laugh with her. "I guess Gray got his aptitude for reading people from you. But what I'm wondering is...why didn't you ever look for him? Gray has been up here by himself for years, just him and Luna, and's my job to make sure he's safe. So I have to check with you--do you mean the best for him?"

Teresa gives me a sad smile. "Protective," she says. "I should have done more to protect him."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how much he's told you, but his daddy..." Teresa pauses. "He was a cruel man. I tried to run away, and I left the kids..."

She rubs her eyes.

"I know it's not your fault," I say.

"But that doesn't stop me from blaming myself," she says. "For years, I thought Gray had chosen not to find us. That he was better off without us. And maybe he is...but his sister missed him. His brothers. And I would love to be in his life, if you'll have me."

I feel a lump form in my throat as Teresa speaks, her words heavy with emotions. I can't imagine what it must have been like for her, leaving her children behind to escape an abusive partner. But as I look at Gray, laughing with his siblings, it's clear that he's found his own family again.

They're not going anywhere. Neither are we.

"I would love for you to be in his life," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "And mine. I don't have any family and...and I'm so grateful for you all."

Teresa's face softens, and she pulls me into a hug. "Thank you," she says. "I know I can't make up for lost time, but I'm here now. And I promise to always be here for himandfor you."

As we separate, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. Gray's family is just as wonderful as I'd hoped they'd be, and it's clear that they all love him deeply. With them around, I don't have to worry about Gray facing fatherhood alone.

I walk over to Gray, who's strolled out to look at the stars with Caleb and Jesse. They're having a conversation about setting up shop somewhere in town. Caleb is apparently a skilled woodworker, and he's been looking for a change of scenery since his breakup. He smiles over at me when I join him, looping my arm around his waist.

"We were just talking about setting up shop in town," Caleb says, gesturing to Jesse and himself. "I think we could make a go of it."

"That sounds great," I say, glancing up at Gray. "What do you think, babe?"

Gray looks thoughtful for a moment before returning his attention to the stars. "I think it's worth considering," he says. "But we'll need to think about it more once the baby is born."

I nod, understanding that there are a lot of variables to consider. But I'm excited about the prospect of having Gray's family around more often...and getting more entrenched in Fern Hollow, helping my beloved hometown grow.

As we head back inside, I catch Sadie's eye. She gives me a wink and a grin, and I know that we're going to get along just fine.

Maybe she'll stay too. Open her own little bakery...fall in love.

Fern Hollow is a great place to fall in love.

Chapter twenty-three


Gray'sfamilyleaveslateat night to go stay at his house, and we climb the stairs up to the master bedroom after midnight. I'm exhausted--and eight months pregnant--but Gray's just as attracted to me as he was when we met.

As we enter the dimly lit bedroom, Gray's strong arms wrap around me from behind, holding me close. His warm breath sends shivers down my spine as he whispers in my ear, "I can't resist you. I love the way your body’s changed and I love watching you walk around with that baby bump. You’re so incredibly sexy."

I turn around to face him, my hands resting on his chest. "I'm tired, Gray," I say with a yawn.

"I know, darlin'," he responds, his hands moving to my swollen belly. "Let me take care of you."

He guides me towards the king-sized bed, helping me lay down and tucking me in under the covers. He then strips down to his boxers and climbs in beside me, his body pressing against mine.