Page 36 of The Baby Contract

Gray's jaw tenses. "It's an ugly story."

"I want to hear it. Ideserveto hear it."

He sighs. "I was at some hick party with my kid sister," he says. "She was fourteen. And she...she was being assaulted. I was inside, getting a drink, and then I went outside to the bonfire and the sheriff’s son had my little sister, my kid sister, pinned against a birch tree and...he had his hand over her mouth. I didn’t even try to get him off her. I just saw red. I couldn't stop myself. I nearly killed him."

I gasp, my hand over my mouth. "Gray, I had no idea."

"Of course you didn't," Gray murmurs. "I didn't tell you."

"Was she okay?"

"I don't really know," Gray says. "I only spoke to her once, at the trial. Like I said, kid was a sheriff's son and they wouldn't let me talk to my family."

I can't take my eyes off of him. All this hurt, and he didn't feel comfortable telling me.

"It doesn't sound like it was your fault," I say softly. "You were defending your sister."

Gray shrugs roughly. "I could've just pulled him off her and called the cops. But I wanted to make him hurt. And I did."

We pass the Fern Hollow welcome sign, my heart in my throat. We're ten minutes away from the house. I'm sure Gray is terrified.

"So you went to jail," I say. "And your family...where are they now?"

"No clue," he says. "Don't get me wrong, they cared. They tried to come and visit me, but I was so ashamed."

"Why would you be ashamed?"

"Because my dad was a violent man, too," Gray says. "And I didn't want to be like him."

I reach over and take his hand, squeezing it gently. "You're not like him. You were defending your little sister. You were a kid, too, you couldn’t have called the police...not if he was their son," I say. "You're your own person."

He gives me a small, sad smile. "Thanks, but I don't know if that's true."

"It is," I insist. "I know you, Gray. I know the man you are now. You've changed."

He takes a deep breath, his eyes still locked on the road. "I hope so," he murmurs. "I really do."

We pull up to the house, and I can see the fear in Gray's eyes. He's afraid I'll force him to go.

But I don't plan on doing that.

Quite the opposite, actually.

"Gray," I say, "I want you to come inside."

He meets my eyes, hope sparking. "I don't deserve you, Claire."

"You do," I say. "And I'm going to show you I mean it."

I get out of the car and he joins me inside, my boxes forgotten in the bed of his truck. Luna greets us at the door, her tail wagging excitedly, and Gray pets her idly as he follows me into the kitchen. I open my laptop right away and open up a blank document, Gray looking over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm drafting a new contract," I say. "A co-parenting contract--because this baby is as much yours as it is mine. You're a good man and I want you in my life, and I won't lose you because--"

He cuts me off by wrapping his arms around me and kissing me hard, his lips urgent against mine. I respond eagerly, my body melting into his as his tongue delves into my mouth. I feel his hands slide down my back, his touch igniting a fire in my belly.

We break apart, breathless, and I can see the passion burning in his eyes. "Claire," he says huskily. "I want you. I need you."