Page 31 of The Baby Contract

I have my childhood home--fully renovated and beautiful. Gray is talking about tearing down the fence and building a new one that completely surrounds the property so the kid will have plenty of space to play outside unsupervised.

The fact that we’re even having this conversation blows my mind.

I have a man who loves me, a baby growing inside me, a life ahead. Gray encourages me to follow my dreams, and I get to work starting my own little version of Glitter Bomb here in Fern Hollow.

Spring turns to summer, the weather gets warm. Birds sing in the trees outside our window every morning.

This morning, I'm wrapped in Gray's arms on a lazy Saturday morning. The sun is shining through the curtains, casting a warm glow on our bed. I can't help but smile as he strokes my hair gently.

"I can't believe how lucky we are," Gray whispers, kissing my forehead.

I nod "I never thought I would have this kind of happiness," I admit.

Gray's face softens, his hand moving to cup my cheek. "You deserve it all and more," he says, leaning in to kiss me softly.

We spend the morning wrapped up in each other, enjoying the quiet moments that we don't often get with our busy lives. But as the sun climbs higher in the sky, we decide to get up and enjoy the day.

We take a walk through the woods that surround our property, hand in hand. The leaves rustle in the gentle breeze, and I can hear the distant babble of a brook. There's a waterfall just up the trail here, and Gray guides me toward it.

The baby's started kicking softly, little flutters of movement in my belly as we look at the gorgeous waterfall. It tumbles over the moss-covered rocks, down into a gorge below. There's a doe and fawn drinking from the small lake at the bottom.

"She's kicking," I murmur, looking over at Gray. His eyes light up and he comes to stand behind me, putting his hands on my belly.

"I can feel her," he whispers in my ear. "I think she likes it out here--my little hiking buddy."

I melt at the image of Gray hiking out here with our child, a little boy or girl scampering over the rocks. I picture them with Gray's dark hair and my blue eyes, the spitting image of their dad.

"We're gonna make a pretty baby," he says, his voice rough. It turns me on right away, a shiver crawling up my spine. I bare my neck to him and he kisses me softly. "Are you thinking about it right now?"

"Yeah," I breathe. "All the time."

It's true--I'm thinking about our baby all the time...and even making another baby with him just as soon as we can. Ever since he told me he had a big family, I've wanted to do that for both of us.

His hands slide under my t-shirt and up to my breasts, playing with my nipples through my sports bra. I'm so sensitive that it lights a fire across my skin, making me arch against him.

"Gray, I don't think I just want one," I murmur. "I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I want to make a family with you."

"You know how much it turns me on to hear you say that?" he growls. "Jesus, Claire...I think I've gotta have you right here in the woods. You wanna practice?"

"Yes," I breathe. "Yes, Gray..."

His other hand slides down to my pants, yanking down the elastic waistband until I'm bare to him. He pulls my breasts out the top of my bra too. It feels so dirty to be out here in the woods, his hand on my breasts and the other on my pregnant belly, grappling with his pants to get his cock out. I gasp when I feel him slide against me, bending me over a rock.

"Fuck, you make me think the dirtiest thoughts," he growls, his hands on my hips. He hasn't entered me yet, still teasing me with his cock, dragging it through my wetness.

"Tell me," I gasp. "Say it out loud."

He pushes himself in to the hilt, groaning as he does. I arch my back and he takes my breasts in his hands, rolling my nipples with his thumbs.

"I love these gorgeous tits, Claire," he says. "I love how big they're getting, how they feel in my hands. I could suck on your tits all day."

"Fuck, Gray..."

He sets a slow pace, his hips working against me. He feels so good inside me, pressing in just the right spot.

"I love these hips," he says. "These wide, gorgeous hips. You were made to be a mama, Claire, and I'm gonna give you as many babies as you want."

I always thought this would be the kind of talk I would hate in bed...but coming out of Gray's mouth, it's perfect. It turns me on so much it’s almost too much for me to handle.