Page 89 of The Way You Are

“It was great for Lily. She got some new business prospects. Her parents weren’t too bad to her. Some passive aggressiveness, but nothing horrible.”

“Did they say something to you?”

I hesitated, my glass halfway to my mouth. “Why would you think that?”

“I’m trying to figure out why you’re spiraling right now.”

“My mom showed up last night. She called when I was dropping Lily off at her house.”

“You dropped everything and came back here?”

“Yeah, I didn’t want her going to your house.”

“I’m not sure she knows where we live.”

“Thank fuck for that.”

“What did she want?”

“I have no idea, but don’t worry, I sent her on her way. She shouldn’t be bothering you or Hailey.”

“How did you get her to go?”

“Let’s just say I gave her an incentive.”

“You gave her money?”

“Hailey’s pregnant. I don’t want my mother involved in that child’s life. You want her upsetting Hailey, disappointing your son or daughter?”

Ryan grimaced. “Of course not.”

“I did what was necessary.”

“I don’t like this. Hailey’s not going to like it.”

“She doesn’t need to know. She already told my mom to stay out of her life. Nothing has to change.”

“I still think you should talk to her about it.”

Ryan was quiet for a few seconds. “Does this mean you don’t have a fund for your car?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Ryan scrubbed a hand over his face. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“I didn’t have a choice.”

Ryan leaned his elbows on his thighs. “You don’t have to protect everyone in your life or be a shield to those around you.”

“That’s not what I’m doing.” It was exactly what I’d done.

“We love you because you’re a good friend. Because we like you.”

“That’s not why I did it.”

“Your mom left you and your sister when you were twelve, and you’ve been protecting Hailey ever since. But I’ve got her now.”

A piece of my heart floated away when he said that. Finally, I said quietly, “I know.”