Page 78 of The Way You Are

“Her mother can treat me however she wants, but I don’t want her messing with Lily. She’s come so far. Her business is starting to take off. She doesn’t need her mother bringing her down.”

“That’s right. You’re there to support Lily. To fight for her. If her mother crosses a line, you can step in and say something. You’re there for her, not to prove something about yourself.”

Was Ryan right? It wasn’t about me, but Lily. “I think I can do it if I keep that in mind.” I was there to protect Lily from her mother. She could say or do whatever she wanted to me.

“I’m glad we’re finally on the same page.”

I stretched my neck from side to side, feeling better. “Same page? I don’t think we’re in the same book most days.”

“Tell me about it,” Ryan muttered. He said something softly to someone else in the room, most likely my sister. “Hailey wants to talk to you.”

“Put her on.”

“Hey, you.” Hailey’s voice was filled with warmth.

“You got any words of wisdom?” I asked her, affection filling my chest.

“How muchdoesLily mean to you? I didn’t get to hear your answer.” Her voice was softer, as if she’d moved to another room for privacy.

I sighed, thinking back to the last few weeks and how I felt when I was holding Lily, when we talked about our fears and dreams at night. “I think I’m falling in love with her.”

Hailey sucked in a sharp breath. “You’re serious?”

I’d never said those words out loud before. I’d never even come close to feeling it, much less thinking it was possible. “Yeah, I am.”

I was done pushing Lily away or telling myself I wasn’t the right man for her. As long as I was her choice, I wasn’t going anywhere.

“That’s great. I’m so happy for you.” Hailey’s voice sounded a little watery, as if she was fighting back tears.

“Don’t get emotional. It might not go anywhere.” There were still a multitude of opportunities for me to screw it up.

“It sounds like it already has. I love Lily for you.”

Goose bumps erupted over my skin. I loved Lily for me too. She was nothing like I expected for myself. She was so much better. “Me too,” I said gruffly.

“Don’t fuck this up. I’ll be so pissed at you.” Hailey’s voice was stronger, her words full of conviction.

“Why will you be mad?” I asked, shocked at the conviction in her voice.

“I want you to be happy.”

“I am.” But I knew the words were empty. I thrived on work and business; that wasn’t living life. I saw that now. Life was sex in a barn when the rain was pounding on the roof. It was driving your motorcycle down a long lane because your girl was waiting for you, and as soon as she saw you, she’d jump into your arms because she couldn’t wait one more second to be close to you.

Tingles erupted over my body. I was in love with Lily, and there was no turning back. She was it for me. I pushed away any thoughts that it wasn’t going to work out. For once, I wanted it to. I didn’t want to get in my own way or stop myself from enjoying this.

“I have something to tell you,” Hailey began, her tone hesitant.

“Are you okay?” I asked, tension tightening the muscles in my neck.

“We’re pregnant,” Hailey said. Her voice was soft but filled with excitement.

“Congratulations.” I didn’t have to ask her if she was happy because it was clear from her tone she was. I enjoyed having Corey around, and I knew I’d be excited when their baby was born. We had a chance to change the future generation. Our kids wouldn’t grow up how we did.

“I want you to have what Ryan and I have.”

“For the first time, I think I’m on the right track.” I could see a future with Lily. Maybe not the same one Hailey and Ryan had, but I wanted to be with her. I was open to the possibilities.

“I’m proud of you,” Hailey said, softer now.