Page 54 of The Way You Are

I liked to think optimistically about things, but I couldn’t help but remember my mom’s prediction that I was in over my head. That things would come crashing down eventually. It felt like a prophecy that would be all too easy to fulfill.

In the kitchen, I grabbed a banana and a protein bar, intending to eat in the SUV, when I noticed a handwritten note in the middle of the counter. My heart thumping harder, I picked it up and read.

Lily, I’m sorry I had to leave. I had to go to work early this morning,and I didn’t want to wake you. -J.

I closed my eyes. He was sorry he had to leave. He’d wanted to stay. My heart was thumping out of control. Had I misjudged him?

My hopeless heart was all too willing to latch on to the note and last night and think something was possible between us.

The chemistry had been off the charts. But he’d also been sweet and attentive, so different from how he was when I first met him. Looking back, I wondered if he acted like that as some self-fulfilling prophecy. He behaved how people expected him to, not like the man he’d grown up to be.

Jake was a mystery. I had no idea if last night meant anything to him at all, but I was willing to take that chance.

I debated if I should respond with a text. And if so, should I ask about the car or keep it personal? The internal debate caused my stomach to twist into a knot as I drove to the shop.

I put it out of my mind, knowing I had a busy day of preparing the subscription orders, delivering them, and then cleaning out the barn tonight.

I opened the shop, disappearing into the back. The room where I arranged the flowers was my haven. Here, I could think. I placed the picture of the arrangement in front of me as I pulled the necessary blooms.

The gift tags were already printed and placed in a neat stack on the edge of the stainless-steel counter. Many of them were given as gifts. It made me long for someone who’d send me flowers. But then, who would? I was a florist who had fresh flowers covering most surfaces in the shop and at home.

Late morning, I brushed off my hands and picked up my phone. I needed to respond to his note. I opened up my contacts and found his name. What would be appropriate? A thank-you for last night. I laughed at how ridiculous that sounded, even though Iwasgrateful. I had a good time. I hadn’t felt so carefree in forever.

I’d shared some of the history of my grandparents with him. He’d obviously been moved by their story and appreciated my grandfather’s car. It had been a great night.

Lily: Thank you for coming over last night.

My fingers hovered over the send button. That could be construed as a business text since I’d asked him to look at a car. I wanted it to be more personal. I deleted the message and chewed my lip while I thought about it.

Lily: Thank you for last night.

I didn’t add that I’d enjoyed the orgasms or sleeping in his arms. I wanted to add more, but I didn’t want to scare him off.

I didn’t expect to hear from him right away. I remembered his phone was usually on the countertop when he worked on a car.

I got lost in arranging the flowers, attaching a ribbon to the vases and the gift tags and then loaded them into boxes and carried them out to the loaner Jake had given to me free of charge.

As grumpy as he was when we first met, he was nice, protective even. He wasn’t charging me for the repairs or the loaner. He worried about my safety.

There had to be something I could do for him in return. When the idea hit me, I ran back inside to make one more arrangement. Harbor Garage & Service Repair Center had just been gifted an honorary biweekly arrangement.

Satisfied it would brighten his waiting room and his clients, I started on my deliveries, keeping the garage for last. It was close to six by the time I parked in his lot. I didn’t see anyone in the waiting room, but the door was open. Maisy’s desk was empty.

I carried the vase into the garage area, my heart picking up. Would Jake take the flowers in the spirit it was meant as a thank-you, or would he freak out?

My palms sweaty, I stopped in the doorway, wondering if I should turn around and leave before he saw me.

“Lily. What are you doing here? You have a meeting with Jake?” Ryan wiped his hands on a cloth.

It would have been convenient to say I had a meeting to discuss Berta, but we didn’t. We hadn’t even talked much about Grandpa’s car after we christened it.

My cheeks heated at the memory. “I have a delivery.”

“We ordered flowers? Or did someone send them to us because—”

Suddenly uncomfortable, my eyes darted around the garage, looking for Jake, wondering if I should leave the bouquet with Ryan instead. “The garage has been gifted a biweekly flower subscription. Should I leave them in the waiting room?”

Ryan’s eyes widened. “What did we do to deserve this?”