Page 52 of The Way You Are

His brow furrowed. “Does it have anything to do with why you’re here so early? Did you stay the night at her place?”

“You know I wouldn’t tell you if I did.” Every muscle in my body pulled taut. I hoped he couldn’t read body language.

“Fuck. There is something going on. Seriously? She’s brought two antique cars to us. We can’t afford to alienate her.”

“Why are you so quick to assume I’d piss her off?”

He shot me a knowing look. “When was the last time you were with any woman seriously?”

“I don’t even know what that means,” I mumbled, giving myself an extra few seconds to think of something to say. I didn’t want to talk about my time alone with Lily. Not even with my best friend.

“You’re just out for a quick fuck before you move on to someone else.” Ryan’s tone was level, as if he was just stating the facts.

My jaw tightened. “You make me sound like an asshole.”

“You know you are,” he quipped.

He wasn’t entirely accurate. I wasn’t a one-night-stand guy, but I wasn’t down for commitment either. “You know my background. I’m not subjecting anyone to that. Especially not Lily.” Something that had been drawn tight since I left this morning relaxed at the sound of her name on my lips.

Ryan dipped his head. “You like her.”

My nose scrunched up at his characterization. “This conversation feels a little like middle school, doesn’t it?”

“Ever since I’ve been with Hailey—” Ryan’s expression softened. “I know you don’t like thinking of me with your sister.”

“Not for a second,” I quickly added.

Ryan let out a breath. “I’ve been hoping you’d find someone too. Someone to make your life better.”

I held up my hands, gesturing at the office. “I love my life.”

“I get that you have the garage, but what else? You rarely spend any time at your house. Heck, you sleep here most nights.”

“I don’t need anything else.” When the most important person in your life left you, what else did you have?

“Are you sure about that? I can’t help but think you might heal the past if you find someone good for your future.”

“I don’t even understand what you just said.” Being with Hailey had softened him in some indescribable way. It made him a complete sap.

“You’re still wrapped up in your past. You can’t get past it, and you don’t even want to try.”

“Are you a therapist now?”

He gave me an exasperated look. “You’re impossible.”

I wanted him to leave me alone. My skin felt itchy. I needed to do something with my hands. I couldn’t sit here anymore and delve into my past. Not with Ryan. It was too close to the surface. It wasn’t that long ago that my mom showed up on my doorstep when Hailey was at her most vulnerable.

Hailey had told her mom she couldn’t have her in her life anymore. I’d told my mom that the first time she visited after leaving us. I’d cut her off and only entertained her because Hailey wanted to over the years. My primary job had always been to protect Hailey.

“If you like her, you should pursue her. Just don’t be an asshole about it.” Ryan stood, bracing his hands on the desk between us. “Be a nice guy. Don’t string her along.”

“It’s not in my DNA.” At the end of the day, I shared my mom’s genes. There was zero chance I’d be different from her.

“You’re not your mom. You don’t have to walk away from every woman who comes into your life. You’ve stuck by Hailey.”

“That’s different. She’s my sister.”

His face was a little smug, as if he’d proven his point. “And family sticks around?”