Zora sucks in a breath and I think she might balk, but then she lets it out in a rush. “I love you.”
I grin before kissing her hard. “See? That wasn’t so tough, was it?”
She shakes her head and smiles. “I love you.”
“Even smoother,” I tease. “You’re a professional now.”
I expect Zora to laugh, but instead she throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pressing her cheek to my chest. “Do you still love me too?” she asks timidly.
I return her embrace, holding her tight. “For eternity,” I assure her.
“You’ll do eternity with me?” I still hear the doubt in her voice.
I push her back slightly so I can look her in the eye. “I’ll do everything with you, Zora. And if you falter and aren’t quite sure what you’re doing—as a god, as a woman, as a human, because you’re still very much human in your soul—I’ll be there to help right you. You’re it for me.”
Her voice is shaky. “This is very surreal. In all my life, I never thought I could have something so good.”
“I feel the same,” I assure her, and the kiss between us is different from any before. So sweet, so new.
So perfect.
She pulls away and looks reluctant at having done so. “We need to look for Lucien.”
I love my brother and I’m more than excited at the prospect of having him back. But fuck if I don’t want to stay here a little longer in this cocoon of happiness. “Onyx will be pissed if I leave.”
“I’ll get someone to replace you,” Zora says, and it’s with such aplomb, I don’t doubt her ability to do so nor her confidence that Onyx will be okay with it.
It seems my little god has found her footing among the Council.
“Okay, then,” I say, claiming her lips one more time. “Let’s go get my brother, then we can start our life together.”
Zora smiles and it’s in a way I’ve never seen before. It lights up the interior of the tent and my heart swells.
Her hand slides into mine and she says, “That’s the most perfect plan I’ve ever heard.”