Page 57 of The Ruin of Gods

“While Kymaris sacrificed other lives to power up the stone, you and Finley made the ultimate sacrifice. When you decided to die to end Kymaris, and Finley plunged the knife into your heart, whereby giving up her long-lost twin sister, that was the ultimate power move in ending the apocalypse. Your death destroyed Kymaris who was wearing the stone, and all that love, nobility and selflessness went into an object already teeming with dark power. It combined the light and the dark, making the Blood Stone—and he who claims it—virtually invincible.”

My heart sinks upon hearing this. If Rune is able to take all the gods’ powers and has the Blood Stone, the universe will be plunged into chaos. Say what you want about the gods being egoists with little regard for their own responsibilities, at least they were a checks-and-balances system.

They at least have some semblance of a moral code.

Rune does not and with unlimited power in his hands, I fear it will be the downfall for all mortal beings.

“You know,” Rune muses as he taps a finger against his chin and in a complete change of subject, says, “It’s a testament to how upstanding that demigod is. Carrick never once opened that vault again. I thought for sure he might use it for himself, but he always was an idiot. I look forward to settling some scores with him.”

I whirl on Rune in a fit of rage and despair and slam my hands into his chest, attempting to push him back. He’s caught off guard and rocks slightly, looking down at me in surprise.

“You go near Carrick or Finley, and I’ll reduce you to dust,” I snarl.

Rune chuckles with amusement. “It’s beyond precious that you think you can stop me.” He then taps the end of my nose with his finger. “Your powers are mine to control.”

“You mean, Ariman’s to control,” I say, casting a sly glance at the priest. “He has the Blood Stone. I’m assuming he’s the one with the knowledge to restore you to a god. I’m curious why he doesn’t just give those things to himself.”

Rune blinks at me, as if what I said is the most preposterous thing he’s ever heard. “Because he’s devoted. He would never.”

I turn fully to Ariman. “Why are you his lackey? You’re the one with all the power right now.”

It’s all I’ve got… try to sow seeds of dissension.

Ariman seems to consider my words, and for a long moment, he stares at me. But then he crushes any hope I might have of turning those two on each other when he says, “Much like you, Zora, I have no desire for that type of responsibility. I like to dabble in my magics and be the right hand of the one on the throne. The power behind the power, so to speak.”

“So, what exactly is the evil plan?” I ask because I can’t stand another minute more without knowing my fate. At this point, I’ve got no way to save myself and no one knows what happened to me.

Rune steps before me, his hands palming my cheeks. I’m repulsed but I refrain from pulling away as I don’t want to show weakness.

Bending his head close to mine, I’m terrified he’ll kiss me but instead he stares at me intently. “I’m going to take your powers and it will be easy, because you’re still quite human at your core. It practically shines from within you and that makes you weak and easy to plunder.”

Everything I did to try to strengthen myself… cutting Maddox out of my life… all for naught.

There’s no stopping the slight quaver in my voice. “And once you have my power?”

Rune lifts his mouth, presses it to my forehead, and releases me. “You’ll die, little one. I’m sorry to say.”

“What about the others?”

“Once I have your power, theirs will be easy to tap. I’ll take them one at a time and when nothing is left of them but dried husks of their former selves, I’ll be the only deity who matters.”

“Lame,” I murmur, and he blinks at me in surprise, his hands falling away. “You didn’t even insert an evil laugh at the end.”

Rune’s hand flies out and he grabs me by my throat. I’m so shocked I suck in air, except his grip is so tight my lungs remain empty. He reels me in closer, vibrating with fury, as if he might kill me, but his voice is surprisingly gentle. “I like your naivete and sass. You’re like strawberries and hot peppers.” He bends closer, sniffs along my neck. “I bet you’ll taste good when I’m sucking you dry.”

I tear free of his grasp only because he chooses to let me go, not because I have the ability to compete. We’re both former gods without our powers, but he’s still bigger and stronger than I am.

“Come,” he orders, motioning with his hand. “Let me show you something.”

Rune turns and moves through a crack in one of the walls, and I have no choice but to follow. Ariman brings up the rear.

I’m led through a dark tunnel made of the black stone, and it’s reminiscent of the caverns in the Underworld, but I can sense that’s not where we are.

The path we’re on is narrow, winding, and inclines upward. The black stone walls are barely wide enough to fit us walking single file. The ceiling of stone arches only about a foot over Rune’s head.

The path steepens and my calves burn as we climb, and it’s not my imagination, but it’s actually getting warmer.

Then suddenly, we come out into a large, round cavern cut from the obsidian. It’s enormous, at least a hundred yards in diameter. To the left is a large opening and the stench of sulfur wafts in on a subtle, humid breeze. It’s dark outside, except for a warm glow off to the right of the cave opening. Perhaps a large fire?