Page 90 of Reluctant Heir

I can feel Jacques looking back and forth between us, trying to figure out what’s going on.

“No one has to get hurt,” I say.

Lucas lets out a snort. He knows this won’t end good. He makes a crucial mistake though when his eyes flit to the side. He knows it when I follow his quick look. He’s here with someone else, and they had to have heard the gunshot.

Why aren’t they outside yet?

Geo shifts behind me. I know he’s furious at my actions. I’ve put us both in danger, but I can’t bring myself to care right now. At least if I die, I won’t have to worry about anything anymore.

Everything is quiet, tense.

“You don’t know what’s going on,” Lucas says, trying to get me to understand something.

But I don’t know if he’s trying to play me or Jacques. Or both. Maybe he has a hidden agenda all his own. Doesn’t everyone in the crime world?

I straighten my arm holding the gun, aiming it straight for his face.

“Why don’t you tell me then?” I prompt. He can out himself to me or Jacques.

“Aren’t you part of the bosses?” Jacques finally says, and I glance at him. His brow is furrowed. He’s no doubt trying to figure out what’s going on. “This was okayed by them.”

God, why didn’t I listen to Geo?

I let my temper get ahold of me, make me someone I’m not. I never fly off the handle. I never lose control.

Here I am, outing myself to those who can see me and blowing my damn cover.

“Who is inside?” I ask, ignoring Jacques’s question, but neither of them answers me. “Who is inside?” I yell this time.

“My father and William,” Lucas finally says.

I glance at Geo, who has stepped up beside me.

“Are they waiting for you to take care of their dirty work?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “I know they know we are out here.”

I spot the tiny surveillance cameras stationed all around the property. Way more than a normal flower shop would have.

“You’ve done it now,” Geo says.

I don’t move. I don’t flinch even though I want to. I’ve fucked up, and now, I have to figure out how to fix this.

“At my signal, run for the car,” I tell him, and he frowns at me.

“I’m not fucking running,” he says at a low growl.

My eyes stay on Jacques and Lucas.

“Just fucking do it.”

Another pop goes off, and then pandemonium erupts. Lucas and Jacques are shooting as they retreat. I don’t have time to give a signal. I’m too busy firing and running for something to duck behind. All of us are. I see Geo round the corner of the shop, disappearing from sight, and I’m crouching behind the vehicle parked closest to me. I lean up, firing my own gun, and then I hear a shout ring out. I must have hit someone.

A whisper of pain starts up my arm, and I look down to see blood pouring from the torn sleeve of my shirt. I was hit and didn’t even realize it. Metal pings off of the car around me. I wonder distractedly who the car belongs to. It’s odd, the place your mind goes sometimes when under extreme stress.

Like fucking bullets being shot at you.

I press my free hand to the wound, stanching the blood. It’s flowing like a faucet, and I start to wonder if a major artery was hit. I see Geo peek around the side of the building, fire off a round, and then retreat. I can’t see anyone else from my vantage point. The door on the side of the building opens, and Paul runs out, gun drawn. William is nowhere in sight. His fat ass is probably sitting and letting everyone else do the dirty work.

Paul stops, his eyes spying me, and he levels his gun straight for my head. I shut my eyes for a brief moment before raising my own gun, but my world goes dark before I can even pull the trigger.