Page 30 of Reluctant Heir

I guess it is my home too.

For now.



As we walk toward the car, Geo behind us, William steps in front, cutting us off. He eyes us for a moment, and then a grin splits his face—and it’s not a friendly one.

“This is her?” he asks, and I can sense Wryn glance up at me in confusion.

“William, thank you for coming today,” I say in response, my hand extended for a handshake.

“I’ve got to say, my boy, you work fast. And she’s eye candy to boot.” His gaze salaciously rakes down Wryn’s body, and if I could get away with it, I would throat-punch him right now.

His son hovers behind him, watching, and I narrow my eyes at Dean. We’ve always been friends, growing up in this life together from childhood, but he’s become odd, sketchy, and I don’t like it. He’s too much like his father.

“You.” Wryn’s voice stops my train of thought, and I focus down on her, but her eyes are locked on Dean. “What the hell—”

I grab her arm, cutting her off, and offer William and Dean a tight smile.

“She’s tired. I’ve got to get her home,” I say, and I can see the sympathy in William’s eyes.

“Women do tire easily,” he says.

I can feel Wryn bristle beside me, but I grip her flesh tighter, warning her.

“It’s a nuisance,” I tell him and then pull her along behind me.

What a damn day.

When we are inside the vehicle, I turn to Wryn, and before she can curse me, I cut her off again.

“What was that?”

“What was what?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

“You recognized Dean.” I get straight to the point.

“Maybe I did.” She focuses on her window, not looking at me.

I reach up and rub my temples. I don’t have time for this.

“You’ve got to be smarter,” I hiss at her, and she finally gives me her attention. “You can’t react to everything and wear your emotions on your face. These men smell fear like a shark can smell blood. Quit giving them things to feast on.”

“He was there that night. It was him,” she says before shaking her head and clamping her mouth shut.

I ball my hands into fists on my knees, wanting badly to shake her but I don’t do it.

“If you have information about something, you need to tell me,” I finally say once I calm down.

“I don’t trust you. Why would I tell you anything, dear fiancé?” She tilts her head toward me, a fake smile and soft voice coming from her. It’s creepy as hell.

From the front seat, Geo makes a noise that strongly resembles a snort, and I desperately want to punch something—maybe him.

We pass the rest of the ride in silence. I lay my head back on the seat and close my eyes. Maybe she will try to take me out since I’m not looking and end this whole disaster of a life for me.

As soon as we stop at the side entrance to the house, Wryn is out of the car and stomping inside. I’m not quick enough to stop her, and Geo comes to stand beside me. We stare after her, and then I turn to him.