Page 11 of Reluctant Heir

What else could she do if given the chance?

“That was … interesting,” Geo remarks, and I jerk my head toward him. I forgot he was standing there. “What are you going to do with her?”

WhatamI going to do with her?

I drum my fingers against my leg for a moment, thinking.

“Get me a file on her, anything your man can find. I need to call a meeting between the bosses,” I tell him, ignoring what he asked. “Tomorrow morning, once the news breaks about Bertrand. There will need to be an emergency assembly to determine how we proceed from here.”

“They won’t be happy,” Geo says.

“They are never happy, but it looks like I’m the first heir to ascend the throne,” I tell him with a shrug. “They will have to wrap their minds around it. There’s a new wind blowing, and with it comes change.”

“Will you tell them about her?”

I glance back at the shut door, knowing that she’s probably glaring daggers at it right now. I left the light on, which is either a courtesy or a curse, depending on how you look at it.

“No, I don’t think I will,” I say, shaking my head. “I’ve been in the dark so long about the workings of the business. I think they need to know what it feels like.”

“Here’s to new beginnings,” Geo says.

I raise one eyebrow at him. “Where did you get that quote from? Cross-stitch it on a pillow or some shit?”

Geo looks less than impressed at my joke as he turns to precede me down the hallway. He shakes his head, and I hear a snort as my mind turns back to Wryn. She’s an enigma, something for me to figure out, and damn it if I’m not up for the challenge. I think I’ll keep her around for a while.

Our steps echo as we get to the end of the hallway and head up the stairs. I think about telling Geo to come back and get her out of that chair in an hour, but I decide against it. Actions have consequences, and she needs to learn that I’m not going to play nice.

Unless she wants to.

It’s not like I can let her go after all of this. There’s still a lot I don’t know, and she holds the answers. I’ve only got to figure out how to get them out of her.



Iglare at the closed door, the echo of it shutting still sounding around the room.

What am I going to do for hours on end, strapped to this chair?

I’ve got to get out of here. My adrenaline is beginning to fade, and with it, the terror is starting to take root and overcome my thoughts.

I think about the way I shoved a knife through a man’s neck hours ago. Then, I consider that I’m more than likely going to be murdered myself—after they get what they want from me—possibly by my feet being encased in cement blocks and tossing me in a body of water.

Do they still do that? Or is that for television?I feel crazy, even wondering about it.

I jerk my hands up, panic taking over. I strain against the bindings holding my wrists, but they don’t budge. The ones around my ankles are pressing into my skin, making my legs tingle as they cut off blood supply. I look up at the light that they left on, thankful that they didn’t bathe me in darkness down here in this dungeon.

I’m not afraid of the dark, but sometimes, I’m afraid of things that happen in the dark. Like Ruby being taken. The thought fuels my anger, overtaking the fear for a moment, causing me to struggle again.

“Fuck,” I say as my wrists sting. I can see red marks blooming underneath. “Fuck!” I scream again.

Maybe someone will come help me. But I know deep down that no one is coming to help me.

I’m at his mercy. He could literally leave me here until I die from starvation. I can’t do a damn thing about it. My helplessness starts to sink in, and the terror that became anger gives way to despair. Tears gather in my eyes. My chest aches.

The scene of him pushing his thumb into the hole of Bertrand’s throat flashes through my mind, and I heave again—not that I have anything left in my stomach to throw up.

Why would he do that?