Page 58 of Reluctant Heir

“But you aren’t working on that right now.”

“What is your point, Wryn?” Connor huffs, and I feel victorious that I’ve gotten under his skin.

I meet Geo’s eyes in the rearview, and they look suspiciously crinkled, like he’s trying to keep a straight face.

“You should be driving, oh man of the house. Give Geo a break every now and then.”

Connor reaches up to rub his temples, and I lean my elbow on the door, resting my head on one fist as I look out the window, a smile on my face. He’s fun to rile up. The way his eyes flash as they look at me makes me want to keep going.

“We’re here,” Geo says, turning onto a street and parking on the side.

I look at the building in front of us. It’s a row of old buildings converted into apartments and townhomes. High steps lead up to the front doors, all the way down the street. It’s warm and welcoming, and I instantly feel at ease.

“Come on,” Connor says.

I open my door, stepping onto the street and then hustling around to the sidewalk. The day is warm, a breeze rustles my hair, and I don’t know what it is, but I sense good energy here.

We walk up the steps of the building right in front of us, and Connor uses the large metal door knocker. It’s a gargoyle’s head, teeth bared, holding the ring, and I stare at it until the door opens.

An older woman, bent from age and wearing a bright blue flowery caftan-style dress, opens the door wide, a large smile on her face. She raises both hands and steps forward, motioning Connor to lean down so she can cup his face. Her thumbs stroke across his cheeks, and she closes her eyes, taking a deep breath.

“You have so much of your mother in you,” she says before letting go of his face and stepping back, ushering us in.

I look around the entryway, decorated in deep brown and jewel tones. It feels heavy but whimsical at the same time, almost like I’ve entered a different dimension. The woman shuts the door behind us and then steps in front of me.

She’s slightly shorter than me, her gray hair is swept over her shoulder in a long braid, and her face is wrinkled but kind. She takes my hands, turning them over in hers until they are both palm up, and she holds them as she considers me.

“You are strong,” she says.

I glance briefly at Connor. He’s watching with rapt interest.

“But you are brash. You act without thinking of consequences. Your heart is full of love, and that can get you in trouble. But love”—the woman smiles—“it’s the greatest power of all.”

I frown in confusion as she drops my hands and then pulls me into a hug.

“I’m Miss Lulah,” she says, stepping back. “And you are?”

“Wryn,” I tell her.

She stares at me for a moment before harrumphing and turning toward Connor.

“I hope you haven’t come for another book, boy,” Miss Lulah says as she leads us into a smaller room off to the side and motions for us to sit at a little, round table.

Connor pulls a chair out for me, and I raise one eyebrow at him as I sit down.

“No,” Connor says, and she nods.

“You didn’t return the last one, and you know the rules,” she says as she places cups in front of us and pours a light-brown liquid into them.

“I know; I know,” Connor says, waving her off as he takes the seat across from me and picks up his cup, taking a sip of the steaming beverage. “You always make the best hot chocolate.”

I raise one eyebrow at his declaration. He and Miss Lulah seem like they have an easy camaraderie, something I haven’t really seen from him before—and I like it. It’s another side of him, one I probably don’t want to see if I’m to get out of this whole situation with my heart intact.

“I’m here to visit, and I wanted you to meet Wryn.”

I jerk my head up to look at him. That’s not what I expected him to say.

“Hmm. And who is this Wryn to you?” Miss Lulah asks as she takes the seat between us.