Page 21 of Reluctant Heir

I finger-comb my hair, trying to smooth some of the snarls, and then touch my cheek, where a soft pink blooms, looking healthy. It’s a wonder what several days of nothing can do for a body. Not like when I was working two jobs to pay rent, living on ramen and a prayer, while stress ate up every corner of my brain.

I wish I had my cell phone, but I left it in my car when I stashed it on the edge of the property, so I’m sure it’s in Connor’s or Geo’s possession now. The first day I was here, I scoured my entire room twice for anything of use but found nothing. Not even something to entertain me, except for a worn copy of a fairy tale book in the bedside table drawer. I’ve read it cover to cover, which is strange since I can’t remember the last time I sat down and read a book.

I drop down on my haunches and open the cabinet underneath the sink. There are only a few towels, toilet paper, and some cleaning supplies. I guess I could use the chemicals as a weapon, but I’d rather have something that would fit easily underneath my pillow. It would be kind of lumpy to sleep on a bottle of solution.

With a sigh, I rise and turn to open the bathroom, coming face-to-face with Connor and Geo, who are walking by, deep in conversation. They abruptly quit talking and stare at me.

“What are you doing here?” Connor finally asks after I watch his eyes flit down my body and then quickly come back up, focusing on my face and nowhere else.

“I’m using the bathroom,” I say, gesturing behind me. My heart is beating fast, and I’m not sure if it’s from being caught outside of my room or Connor’s close proximity.

“Why aren’t you in your room?”

I shake my head and don’t reply. I don’t want to rat out Lilliana for being nice to me, so I stand there and clasp my hands together.

Connor turns to Geo and mutters, “Remind me to have a talk with Fernando.”

“Don’t blame Fernando,” I say.

Just then, a trilling laugh comes from the kitchen, and Connor’s attention is diverted.

“Ah,” he says cryptically, shaking his head.

I grab his arm as he goes to step around me, surprising us both. I don’t know why I did it. Maybe it’s the protector in me. Geo steps forward, and Connor holds up his other hand slightly in a bid to stop him.

I find my voice and say, “Please don’t. She’s been nice to me.”

His eyes focus on where my hand connects us before he slowly lifts his gaze to mine.

“Don’t presume to tell me what to do in my own house,” he says, his voice lethally calm, and I drop my hand like I’ve been burned. “I expect you at dinner tonight. Wear the dress.”

With one more piercing look, he strides away, and I reach up to press one palm to my burning cheek. I can’t believe I touched him.

I watch as he continues by the kitchen door, not stopping to berate his sister for breaking the prisoner out of her cell. I try to smile to myself, but my lips shake. Connor doesn’t seem like one to take advice from others. And this interaction proves that I need to be careful. Just because he has let me live this long doesn’t mean that I’ll get to continue living.

I step back into the kitchen, greeted by Lilliana’s soft smile as she finishes the last of her breakfast.

“Our thirty minutes are almost up,” she says, her head tilted apologetically.

“That’s okay. Thanks for the food, Brigette,” I say to the humming woman, and she gives me a small smile. Not very warm, but it’s a start.

For all of Connor’s assholeishness, the rest of the people I’ve met so far have been semi-nice to me.

I expected to hate everyone here, to have this fire inside of me stoked over and over with bad situations and people who probably wanted to kill me, but I find myself softening toward some of them, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing.

Is this what Stockholm syndrome is like—where you start to like your kidnappers? If so, I need to get ahold of myself and focus on the plan. Get info. Escape. Ruby is depending on me.

I follow Lilliana back the same way we came, trying to peer into doorways that we pass but I can’t really see anything. The interior of this house is so dark; it’s like being in a cave at times. I like the light. I like to see what’s around me and where I’m going, not skulking around in the shadows. But lately, my life is all darkness and shadows, it seems.

Fernando checks his watch, his face pulled into a surly frown as I pass him.

“Right on time,” he says, turning a smile toward Lilliana, and I press my lips into a line.

Interesting.I wonder if Connor knows about Fernando’s little crush. I can’t get a read on Connor’s thoughts on anything.

Does he even like his family? Is he protective of his sister?

I haven’t seen him interact with anyone other than Geo, and what I’ve seen so far of his personality leaves a lot to be desired. No matter how he makes my body react. It’s the way he looks and maybe the way he looks at me sometimes. I can see the spark in his deep brown eyes.