Page 50 of Mad Boys

“Don’t,” Ramsey said through gritted teeth.

“She has a name,” I stated flatly. “She also doesn’t want anything to do with you. Maybe learn she isn’t all that into you.”

“Except, I’ve kissed her…”

That statement alone was enough to make me livid.

“…even better, she kissed me back.” He stretched his legs out in front of him. “I know when a girl wants me, little bro. You might struggle in that department—”

Ramsey cut me off as I started across the room. “I said don’t,” he told me, but then swung a look at Lachlan. “Either of you. Keep it up and I’ll be the one throwing you out next. Rooms are at a premium and Jonas can’t offer you your old one back yet.”

Mutiny filled Lachlan’s expression, and I savored it with a little vicious pleasure.

“And if you don’t get a grip, I will make sure KC is movedoutof your suite.” The warning in Ramsey’s tone shut down my triumph. “You know the rules. Anything that upsets your recovery or creates a violent setback and we have to address it.”

“She hasnothingto do with that.” I attended my therapy sessions regularlyandtook my meds. In fact, I’d been working onhowto talk to her for weeks. I just hadn’t figured it out yet.

“She has everything—I said don’t, Lachlan,” Ramsey interrupted himself as he pivoted to face our brother. “I’m not kidding. I’m sick of this shit between the two of you. Hate each other all you want, but do it peacefully and without a bunch of bullshit insults.”

I almost wanted to ask “or what” but I didn’t. Not when he was already threatening to have KC taken out of my suite.

“Now,” Ramsey said as he yanked out a chair at the table. “Sit down, we’re going to talk and lay out some ground rules that you two jackasses are going to follow.”

I glanced at Lachlan, who was rolling his eyes at Ramsey. Our gazes locked for a moment and he practically dared me with his raised eyebrows.

“Whatever,” I said as I crossed over to take the seat. “Let’s make this quick. KC’s running and I want to go to breakfast with her.”

Lachlan twitched. He started to stand up, but Ramsey pinned him with a look until he sat down. Yeah, he wanted to run after her, but now he couldn’t.

That made the next twenty-five minutes of brotherly advice, bargaining, and bullshit tolerable. Especially since I said I wanted to go to breakfast with her. We didn’t have plans.

They didn’t know that.

As it turned out, Aubrey was waiting for KC when I got back up to our suite. So, I walked down with them to breakfast. While we went through the line together, I left them when they went to join friends. I wanted to find a peace offering for her. One that would say we could be friends, even if we weren’t.

It baffled me on what to say or even how to say it. By the end of the week, I was no closer than I’d been at the beginning. The music was done though. I’d finished composing a five minute piece.

The tempo was almost perfect. But it needed something more. I could hear it but I couldn’t see the notes. Maybe if KC added lyrics, I’d find it and since we communicated with music so much better than words…

I’d finally decided to just pin it to her door when she came back from—I had no idea where she’d been actually. But she had her phone to her ear. When she saw me, she held up one finger.

“No, I get that, Bron, but I still want to do something.” She rolled her eyes in that exasperated way as she slid her backpack off and set it right next to the sofa. Her shoes came off next, but she didn’t leave them out here.

Instead, she carried them with her into her bedroom. The fact she didn’t close the door all the way meant she was coming back out, so I waited.

“Really?” The huff of laughter took any sting out of those two syllables. “You know, that just means I’ll work harder to get it done.” She chuckled and all at once her voice just softened. “Yeah, me too. Okay. I’ll talk to you later.”

Bron. That was a guy’s name. I really shouldn’t be listening to her conversation, and I wasn’t trying. Instead, I just waited as I turned over who was Bron in my head. When she padded back out, she was in shorts and a tank-top.

“Hey,” she said. “I picked up the research folder from the library for you.”

Oh. “Did I leave it?” Had I forgotten it?

“I guess,” she said, as she pulled it out of her backpack. “Soren said you were there earlier and this was on your table after you left.”

I took the red folder and stared at it. I’d been color-coding this year to try and stay ahead on everything. This wasn’t homework, it was college research. I hadn’t made up my mind about going to school yet.

“Anyway,” she said. “I want Chinese. Want some?”