Page 26 of Mad Boys

My phone buzzed in my pocket. It took a moment to twist free of Payton’s embrace. The message on the screen needed attention. “Go away, Payton,” I repeated, almost absently before returning to my dorm. Jonas stood just inside the main doors, staring at me with those serial-killer eyes.

Baby brother had anger management issues. We usually got a pass from each other. But oh, no, he’d gotten himself in knots over Ace, and now he wanted what was mine.

I felt bad… at first. I’d kept my distance, ‘cause he’d been baffled by his own attraction and then he didnothing. Right, he had his chance.

Move it or lose it.

Since he wasn’t talking to me, I cut past him on my way to Ramsey’s suite. I’d planned on crashing in Jonas’ free room in his suite. Then our baby bro lost his fucking mind, so Ramsey insisted I crash in his suite. Fortunately, healsohad a second bedroom.


I saw a report about a fire on campus. You and your brothers fine?


All good. Ramsey played hero while I was the sheepdog herding kids away. Some injuries, the worst was a broken leg.

As far as I knew. Jonas followed me right into Ramsey’s suite and I spared him a look. My right eye was still pretty fucking swollen. “If you came to fight, I’m not letting you get in any free swings.”

He snorted as he bypassed me and walked over to the kitchen and opened Ramsey’s fridge. He helped himself to the jug of milk, cracking it open before taking a long drink out of it.


Let me know if you need anything.



Done, I glanced at Jonas. He stared back. For five long minutes, we just stood there in the quiet of Ramsey’s suitestaringat each other.


I snagged my keys off the counter and lifted a hand toward my little brother. “Good talk.”

“Where are you going?” At Jonas’ question, I lifted the middle finger in my raised hand to answer before I headed out the door. My car was parked in the closest lot. I got the engine warmed before I was even there and slid right into the driver’s seat.

A flash of blonde hair caught the corner of my eye and I locked the doors. Payton was on her way in my direction. She was like a VD that didn’t want to go away no matter how many doses of antibiotics I took.

Notlooking in her direction, I pulled out and headed for the long drive. One perk to crossing the finish line of “high school” meant I didn’t need to sign in and out of campus. Also, classes were all canceled for several days so I had lots of time to sort out my schedule.

A flick of a look in the rearview showed Jonas had followed me as far as the parking lot. Yeah, you get your head out of your ass, baby bro, and we’ll go back to talking.

I was done with being the punching bag, especially when I had more important things to do. Nothing salvageable from the fire. No furniture, clothes, books, nothing. When I’d seen Ace, she’d been in pajamas.

She was alive, that was the important part. I headed for town. I needed to get a care package together for her. Running clothes maybe, and shoes. The jacket I’d gotten her last winter was probably in the ashes of the building.

I went all the way to Hartford. Options were good. The first store was fifteen minutes away from opening when I got there, so I went in search of coffee from down the street. News was beginning to trickle out about the fire.

The school had managed to keep a chokehold on it—so far. I doubted that was going to last much longer. It was one thing when students were in shock or trying to wake up. The longer the day went on, the more likely news was going to break.

Ramsey going to the hospital with Ace meant I thought he’d stay with her. Then he came back… sans Ace. He looked like hell so I cut him some slack, but I didn’t want to wait for him to wake up.

I just wanted to see her. Maybe make a peace offering.

Two hours later, I had a couple of bags with clothes and at least one pair of running shoes. I was pretty sure I had the right sizes. Ace was athletic and on the terrifically lean side. Her breasts couldn’t be more than a b cup. Sweet to hold, but not going to spill out. Her hips were pretty narrow. Nice for gripping. And her ass had just the right amount of curve to it.

My cock was hard as stone by the time I’d picked out everything. I’d debated getting her some lingerie, then I found the sports bra like the one I’d cut off of her.