Page 126 of Mad Boys

“Right,” Forrest said. “Let’s get you ladies to the party.”

He opened the door, revealing Lachlan standing there with his hand raised to knock—the Douchebag King himself. I braced myself for whatever bullshit he was about to say when he gaped at me. Then Aubrey cut off his line of sight and slammed her knee right into his crotch.

I wasn’t the only one who winced, because he was in no way braced for it and he went down gasping for air. Stepping over him, she glanced back. “Now it’s a party.”



Words had never been my strong suit. They failed utterly when KC exited her bedroom wearing the ice blue dress. I didn’t know anything about clothes, but it looked amazing on her, or maybe she just looked amazing in it. Her arms were on display and I’d gotten a good look at a few of her tattoos over time.

So many hidden stories in there. Stories I hadn’t gotten to ask her about her. Were any of them for the baby? Or for the guy? Each time I thought about it, I swallowed the questions again. Her reaction to the rose chased away any concerns about going to the dance.

I didn’t usually go to these things. I didn’t like them. Too many people and too much noise. However, KC wanted to go and I wanted her to smile. She’d been—off lately. Sadder somehow.

Losing her guitar. The attack. The destruction of her things. I understood.

But Lachlan taking her to the confrontation with RJ? There had been no mistaking how upset she was the night before. I hadn’t seen my brother since she came back, and I hadn’t wanted to leave her.

Then Aubrey dropped Lachlan with a very well-placed knee that would have made me wince if he didn’t deserve it. She stepped right over his prone form and I followed, offering KC a hand to help her.

“Damn,” Forrest said as he followed us and amusement speared me. Was this his first taste of how fierce these two were? It made me curious about Yvette.

Downstairs, I helped KC into her jacket. Ramsey was out of his suite signing out students heading for the dance. His gaze lingered on KC, the worry in his eyes familiar to me.

“Staying on campus?”

“Yes,” Forrest answered for all of us. “The plan is to be back before curfew.”

“It’s extended tonight,” Ramsey told us, flicking a look at KC. “Don’t cross campus alone. Try to move in groups. They’ve also set up a path to get around the heavier snow.”

The Fire and Ice Dance was taking place in the old Blue Ivy Manor. The house that served as home to the original headmaster had been donated by the family who’d owned the estate. Now it was just kept for historical significance, fundraising events, and things like this dance.

“Jonas?” Ramsey said as we turned to go. I glanced at KC and she gave me a little smile.

“I’ll wait.” She squeezed my arm before she followed Forrest and Aubrey outside, leaving me in the foyer of the dorm building with my brother.

“She’s waiting in the cold,” I reminded him.

“Just wanted to see how she was doing?”

“She looks great.” If he wanted to know anything else, he could ask her. I wasn’t going to be a spy for either of my brothers. Oh, that reminded me… “Lachlan came up. Aubrey dropped him on his ass. If he doesn’t come down, you might want to scrape him off the floor.”

Head back, Ramsey sighed. “Right. Go, have fun. Check in when you get back.”


Aubrey and KC were laughing as I came out, and Forrest almost looked grateful to see me. The cold air frosted against my cheeks. I didn’t bother with a coat, we didn’t have that far to go and the suit was pretty warm.

When I offered KC my arm, she threaded her arm through mine. Forrest and Aubrey took lead and we followed them. It was an interesting contrast, Aubrey was fire and KC the ice.

“Everything okay?” KC asked as we walked. There were other students heading for the dance just like we were, but we were strung out and moving in our own groups.

“Ramsey just worries,” I muttered. “Brothers suck.”

Her laughter made me smile despite my irritation with Ramsey and Lachlan both. “Brothers aren’t that bad.” Then she tilted her head thoughtfully. “Well, maybe some are.”

It was the second time she brought up siblings. “I didn’t know you had any brothers.”