Page 119 of Mad Boys

“Who is it?”

The corner of my mouth kicked up. Good girl. Don’t just open the door.

“Hey, Blue,” RJ said in a mock whisper. What an ass. Blue? How fucking original was that stupid goddamn nickname? I’d like to cram the whole syllable down his throat until he choked on it. “I’m here to pick you up.”

“For what?” Skepticism rifled the words and I had to bite back another smile. Even more because RJhadn’tnoticed me yet. I owed McCallum a case of booze. The initiations were coming sooner than the Fire and Ice Dance.

“You know what for, you finished the last puzzle.” The smug amusement scraped over my nerves.

“I can’t.” Good girl. Don’t accept fuck-all from this asshat.

“Come on, Blue,” he said, his sugary tone vomitous. “You finished all the plays, but there’s one step left…”

“Look.” Anger populated that single word. Yeah, she was never coming out of there, and I fucking approved. “RJ, I’m not—”

Unfortunately, I needed her to say yes now, but I wouldn’t let her take a single step without me there.

“It’s okay, Ace.” RJ whipped around like I’d stabbed him. Sadly, I hadn’t. “You can open the door.” Yet.

The speed at which she opened the door massaged some of the raw spots left by the interrogations. “What the hell are you two doing together?”

There was my girl. “C’mon, Ace, you know you wanna know. It’ll be fun.” Didn’t she look adorable all dressed to stay in…

Locking my gaze on hers, I urged her to trust me. I had her back. C’mon, Ace. Do it.

“Give me a sec,” she said, shutting the door.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” RJ demanded in a low voice that wouldn’t carry, and I smirked at him.

“If they didn’t tell you then, I don’t see the need to enlighten you.”

RJ’s expression darkened as he glared at me. Yes, the rules were the rules. Didn’t mean anyone had told me to be here, but the beauty of it was, he couldn’t ask to verify. So, suck it up jackass.

This has been a long fucking time coming. Hands in my pockets, I fisted them to keep them there and not beating him black and blue.

He didn’t answer.

“Ace,” I said, holding RJ’s eye contact until he looked away. “We need to go now.”

When the door opened once more, I met her gaze and smiled slowly.

“What do I need to wear?”

Good girl.

Fifteen minutes later, I strolled with Ace and RJ toward McMillan building. A/V classes, equipment, and soundproofed studios were there. Aware of her attention swinging back to me in repeated suspicion, I caught her eye and winked.

“What are we doing?” she leaned in close to me, her voice a soft whisper. Lifting an arm, I settled it over her shoulders and tucked her closer. It was just starting to get dark. The clouds overhead, the rapidly declining light, and the blanket of snow over the campus gave it a kind of ethereal feel.

“Trusting me,” I told her and tried not to take her wrinkled nose and skeptical frown to heart. I’d told her from the beginning to stay away from this piece of shit. It might have taken her a while to listen, but tonight she’d understand why.

Everyone would.

I was done playing games with RJ and his family. The school covered shit up once. Good luck with shutting this down.

RJ kept shooting me looks. His discomfort satisfied a very primitive part of me. But he didn’t understand just how bad this was going to be for him. Ilethim unlock the building and hold open the door.

I kept myself firmly between him and Ace. Once we were inside, I also paused to let him take the lead. His huff before he stomped ahead added another cherry to the justice sundae I was about to serve this motherfucker.