Page 118 of Mad Boys

The corner of Lachlan’s mouth curved upward and the shadows inhabiting his haunted eyes eased. “C’mon, Ace, you know you wanna know. It’ll be fun.”

I did want to know but…

There was something about the way he looked at me. Hewantedme to trust him for some reason. I cut a look at RJ who wore a cocky smirk. It was like they’d body swapped or something.

And that thought just creeped me out.

“Give me a sec,” I said, shutting the door. Opening the message to Jonas I told him RJ and Lachlan were here for “it.” Should I go or not?

He didn’t answer.

Fuck—did I go? Or did I wait?

Blowing out a breath, I waited an agonizing five minutes for an answer, any answer.

“Ace,” Lachlan said. “We need to go now.”

Dammit. I stared at the phone with no response from Jonas and not even a note that said he’d read it yet. Babysitting me wasn’t his job. Lachlan was here.

Jerking the door open, I found the pair of them glaring at each other, but all at once their expressions changed as they focused on me.

“What do I need to wear?”



When Jonas texted to say Ace would be on her own, and he was stuck, I’d read the message three times before I sent a response.


And you want me to go look after her?


Do I need to text Ramsey?

Oh, hell no. I had this.


Just checking.

Avoiding Ace was not my favorite activity, but nearly six hours of police interrogation, the arrival of the attorney Dad hired, and Dad’s cautions on the phone… yeah, I’d taken a step back. Maybe I could see what was going on better from a distance.

Ramsey was fucking infuriated that we’dallbeen reported, even Jonas, for harassing a female student. The alleged harassment involved the suggestion of sexual battery, but the student in question had not gone that far.

They also wouldn’t tell us who it was. The school intended to protect the so-called victim from any kind of retaliation. Yes, Ace had definitely called my ass out while she’d been foggy, unfocused, and concussed. Called me out and thrown me under the bus.

I still had the tire tracks to prove it.

The problem was—

I hit the top step of their floor, turned the corner and then justpaused. Who was standing in front of the suite door but RJ fucking Wallach.

Dressed in slacks, a button-down, and a jacket, he looked like he was picking her up for a date. A heady amount of violence thrummed through my system as I strolled down the hall to where he’d begun to knock on the door.

Amusingly, RJ seemed less than situationally aware but then movement at the door across the hall had me shifting my gaze. The door definitely moved, closing almost softly. What the fuck was Payton up to now? That had me flicking my gaze back to RJ just as Ace’s voice floated through the door.