Page 113 of Mad Boys

That headline leapt out.

Man Caught Boarding Tour Bus for Torched In Phoenix

Another one.

Kaitlin Crosse Getting Extra Security for Alleged Stalking

The article tones varied between snide condescension and wild speculation. From unnamed sources to the even more vague:rumor has it, didn’t illustrate what was going on effectively.

Jennifer Crosse Security Says Stalker Won’t Leave Her Alone—Despite Restraining Order.

Alleged Crosse Stalker Caught Masturbating on Camera Violating Multiple Legal Orders

Crosse Stalker Arrested and Charged With One Count of Felony Stalking

These all seem related to her mother, but they were all sick—and not the same person. Son of a bitch. The more I read, the more disturbing the picture it painted.

After another check on KC and Jonas, I continued my deeper dive. I did searches on KC, the members of her band and pulled up online blogs, tweets—TikTok’s and threads on discussion boards that ranged from the ridiculous to the terrifying to the obscene.

Threat Management Unit Investigates Alleged Stalking by Disturbed Woman

While the band wasn’t mentioned by name, KC was. Multiple grainy photographs showed a woman appearing all over the Crosse property in Beverly Hills. There were more articles about increasing security in the area, police patrols, and…

I jerked upright at the next page of articles to come up as I followed links deeper and deeper.

Nude photos.

There werenudephotos of KC—no, fuck, it was her mother.

Rubbing my eyes, I needed brain bleach to scrub the image away. While she wasn’t actually nude, the string bikini she was wearing was just a suggestion of cloth over her breasts and there was nothing covering her ass.

Yes, her mom was a looker and had done plenty of nude scenes in movies—but yeah, I had zero interest in looking at these…

I was about to click away when a comment caught my eye.

Think the mom is hot? Look at the daughter. Best tits and sweet little ass. Bet she is still a tight fit. What I wouldn’t give to…

It pretty much degenerated into much worse in the comments. The depraved and at times fucking disturbing comments includes threats against each other, and with even more against KC.

The fact there were even deleted comments removed for violating the site’s terms for harassment spoke volumes for the shit they’d left up.

What was wrong with people?

Aubrey hadn’t been kidding about the threats. There were no campus security alerts for it. But those might be kept quieter… then again, the fire set at the dorm was still being investigated asarson. Administration was trying to keep it quiet, but I’d been called in three times to answer questions.

Alleged Teenage Mom Baby Drama for Torched Singer

Hitting the link, I stared at the photo of KC snuggling a baby at a children’s hospital just outside of Los Angeles. The photos were blurred, like they’d been taken through windows and distortion cut into the clarity.

I’d recognize the blue hair anywhere.

The article didn’t go into any depth, just discussed the baby’s age and speculation on date of birth… right around when Mom and Gibs got married.

I sat back in the seat abruptly. Lifting my head, I locked eyes with her. Surprise flickered across her expression as I stared at her. Was that why she hadn’t come to the wedding? There was no such thing as truly private. They’d still been on tour then, maybe. The dates seemed to line up…

But there were a few days missed due to illness. Not always attributed to KC, just illness. Some pregnancies didn’t show—Mom barely did with Jonas. At least until the end…

Summoning a smile for her, I put in a pin in that line of research. It wasonelittle click bait article on a site that just didn’t scream journalistic integrity. At the same time, I scrolled back to the photo.