Page 106 of Mad Boys

Except, the moment that thought crossed my mind, my gaze tracked to KC where she slept. I liked being friends with her.

I liked that she liked me.

“Okay,” I said, nodding to where KC was. “I’ll be out here. No one will bother her.”

She met my gaze, and for the first time, I thought maybe we got each other. If not peace, then armistice. To be honest, I hadn’t thought much about Aubrey Miller at all.

“Good,” she said, bracing a hand against the door before she pushed it almost closed before she added, “Thank you.” Then it shut silently before the lock engaged.

As much as I wanted to stare at the door like I could see KC through it, I needed to talk to my brothers. Pillow in hand, I faced them.

Lachlan leaned against the back of the sofa, arms folded, chin down to his chest, and a brooding look on his face. Like I had been, he stared at my closed bedroom door. The air around him was electric with unrepressed fury.

Ramsey was closer to the door, but his attention seemed more targeted on the door to her room, which stood open. “You guys should go,” I said. “I’ll stay up.”

No way I could sleep.

Lachlan cut a look at me and straightened. “I’ll be back up at six. You want anything? Food? Coffee?”

I could use KC’s coffee maker, but that seemed wrong if she wasn’t up to enjoy it. “Food. Whatever.”

He nodded. “Don’t let anyone in.”

While I had no intentions of doing so, I didn’t argue. For all his jerky movements as he yanked the door open to the suite, he didn’t slam it behind him.

“The cops were pretty brutal,” Ramsey said, pulling my attention to him. “They talked to him for hours, and they want to talk to him again.”

Did I feel bad for him? Maybe.

“She wasn’t wrong about what he did.”

“He didn’t say she was.” Ramsey surprised me with that. “But he also didn’t answer in detail. His father also sent an attorney over.”

I set the pillow down on the sofa. The smell in here hadn’t improved in all the hours of our absence.

“Don’t forget your meds,” he said in a softer voice, and I sighed. But before I could respond, he raised his hands. “Not getting on your shit. But the last twenty-four hours have been brutal.”

And I had missed my meds the night before ‘cause we were at the hospital. “They’re in my room.”

“I have extras downstairs. Want me to bring them up?” I must have taken a beat to answer because he said, “I can grab food for you, too. Have you eaten?”

“Maybe.” I really didn’t remember. “Aubrey let me stay with her when she had to take a call from Yvette. She also brought back some snacks from the machine.”

Pretty sure I ate one of those. Maybe.

“Right, I’m getting you food and meds. If you need anything else…”

“You have any candles?” The smell was just beginning to grate.

“I think so, if not, I’ll grab some for you tomorrow.”

He was already at the door when I said, “Thanks, Ramsey.”

After he left, I walked over to the door to her room. The mess…the bed sheets and destroyed comforter were gone as was the shit—but the smell lingered. It was… disgusting.

“Don’t mistake convenience for forgiveness. You’ve all been assholes to her, and I don’t give a shit about your reasons. That’s my best friend, so I’ll be taking her side in everything even when she won’t. There isalwayssomeone out to make a buck off her name or her parents, and the fact you used that against her makes you no better than the rest of the world…”

Aubrey’s words echoed inside my mind as I lingered in the doorway. Ramsey didn’t take long to return. He brought me a grilled ham and cheese sandwich that he’d made, along with a bag of chips. It was so reflective of the kind of meal he made when I was younger that I stared at him.