Page 104 of Mad Boys

A faint smile touched his lips. “I left a note on your door to introduce myself…to tell you if you needed help…you could ask me.”

Confusion filled me. “There was no note.” I would have remembered that right.

He shrugged. “There was a note. You crumpled it up.”


We were pulling up to the dorm, and it was a lot later in the day than I realized. Actually, I had no idea what time it was. Aubrey had my phone and wouldn’t surrender it. Ramsey strode down the steps to the car and opened the back door before the driver could get out.

I had to let go of Aubrey so she could climb out, and then I was next. Jonas held onto my hand until I had to let him go and Ramsey was right there to help me out. Even though it was gray and overcast, it also seemed really bright.

“Welcome back,” he said as he steadied me. “Lachlan says there’s no one between us and the fourth floor. He’ll also cover it and move up ahead of us to get rid of any stragglers. You good for stairs?”

I honestly had no idea. “I think so?”

He held onto my arm as he guided me toward the steps into the dorm. “You can stay down in my—-”

“Thank you,” I said. “Really. Just—I’d rather go up to my own space and just…I’m really tired.”

“Okay, let’s get you up there then.” All three of them moved. Aubrey hooked arms with me, but I nearly missed a step by the time we got to the second floor, so Jonas traded out with her. Ramsey stayed firm on my right and didn’t back off.

Once we made it to the fourth, I was flagging hard. My head weighed so much. Lachlan stood in the middle of the hallway ahead of us. His hands were in his pockets, his expression dark as hell.

It probably had something to do with the cops questioning him. Once we were inside the suite, I started toward my room. The door was still open and… fuck, I forgot what a wreck it was.

“Take my room,” Jonas said as he came up next to me. “We’ll take care of this tomorrow…I would have, but I was at the hospital.”

“You don’t have to…”

“I can sleep on the sofa,” he insisted. “Take my room before you fall down.” It was very bossy.

We could get a hotel, but I was tired. “I’m with Jonas on this one,” Aubrey admitted. “I’ll stay over here, too. I’d say stay in my room, but Payton is over there, and I do not need to be arrested for murder.”

That almost made me smile.

“But we’re up here now and you’re safe. No one saw. That’s something. The ambulance is already in the news. I’m sorry. We tried to dial it back…I called Teddy. He’ll take care of it, and I need to call Yvette before she shows up here ready to go to war.”

That was a good point. Fuck, if it was on the news…

“It’s all right,” she soothed. “I called them, too. It’s fine.” I almost sagged in relief. “Let’s get you in here, and I’ll go grab us some clothes from my room.”

“I have shirts—” Jonas offered.

“Thank you,” I said. “You guys didn’t have to do all this.” The more I thought about it, the more I kind of wished we’d gotten a hotel, and at the same time…there was a strange comfort present here with my three douchebags—well, two point three. Jonas wasn’t a full on douchebag anymore.

It was strange going into Jonas’ room. I did not know what I expected to find, but it was… comfortable. A lot like mine had been. The comforter was black, but the sheets were dark navy. There was a keyboard in the corner, and I stared at it kind of blankly as Aubrey hustled me over to the bed.

“Grab your pillows,” I said softly to her, and she glanced from me to the pillows on the bed. “He’s sleeping on the sofa. If I remember right, mine were all gutted.”

Cupping my face, she frowned. “How’s your head?”

“You want the truth?”

“Yes,” she said firmly.

“Hurts,” I admitted. “And I feel like we just played back-to-back sets at the Garden.”

“Jonas?” No sooner did she say his name than Hot Shot showed up like he’d straight teleported into the space. “She needs to sleep now. You said you had shirts?”