“I have to,” Sofi replied as she moved from the couch to gather her coat, her purse, her phone, and her keys.

Should she freshen up before declaring her love to the man of her dreams? Probably. Was she going to? No. Because this was Austin. He’d been there to dry her messy, mascara-filled tears after other men had broken up with her, he’d been there to wipe her feverish brow and hold her hair when she’d had the flu three times during their senior year of college, he’d watched and laughed when she’d fallen into a cow patty on the ranch . . . basically, he'd seen her at a lot worse than not freshened up. Sofi had gotten ready that morning and that was enough. She wasn’t going to waste any more time she could be spending with Austin doing anything else.

She hurried to her bathroom to brush her teeth. She probably should at least do that since she was hoping there would be kissing in her near future.

Sofi then pulled on her coat and grabbed her purse as she walked toward the front door.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Leia asked, looking up from her book. She’d wasted no time getting back to it, but she was a good friend and paused once more.

Sofi nodded determinedly. Her patience had run thin and she was going after her man. Even as she remembered how Austin had declared his love for her, she was still wary and needed him to tell her again, preferably every day for the rest of their lives.

“Then go get your man,” Leia said, waving toward the door.

The friends shared conspiratorial grins before Sofi yanked on the doorknob and rushed out. Straight into the chest she’d been dreaming about for all too many years.

She bounced back but didn’t go too far since Austin caught her arms.

“Austin?” Sofi glanced up, feeling confused. Had her determination to find him conjured him up in her mind? Had she officially lost it?

“Austin?” Leia echoed. Oh thank heavens, Sofi wasn’t the only one seeing him.

“I was coming to pick you up for our date,” Austin said as he looked down at Sofi, his lips quirked up in a smile as if he knew what she’d been about to do.

“Our date?” Sofi was lost. Had the Tías forgotten to pass along a message?

“The fall fair. We haven’t missed it ever,” Austin reminded her.

Sofi nodded, still feeling a little confused.

It was true that they’d never missed the fall fair. But what she was so hung up on was the word ‘date.’ A term they’d both carefully avoided using, even in jest, when it was just the two of them. Sofi had always been cautious about using the word, because she knew if she said it Austin would see exactly how she felt. And she was sure Austin had avoided it because he didn’t want to lump Sofi in with all of his other dates. But now he was casually bringing up the term? Sofi guessed after they’d declared their love for each other, this really shouldn’t be such a huge leap. But since they’d both needed time and Sofi had felt so unsure for so long, it took her by surprise. This word was so certain, so bold. It clearly defined what they were doing. Together.

Her mind skipped ahead, wondering what this signified for their future. Did one date mean they were going to be boyfriend and girlfriend? Sofi felt her breathing go shallow as Austin tucked her under his arm and pulled her close.

“We’ve got this, Sof.” His voice reminded her just who he was. This was Austin. No one to freak out over. Yes, they might be moving into new territory, but the man by her side was still Austin. Her Austin. And with her Austin by her side, she could do anything.

Sofi nodded once and allowed Austin to usher her out of the house and toward his truck. He paused on the passenger’s side, opening the door for Sofi. She reminded her thudding heart that this wasn’t a monumental action; he often held her door. But today felt different.

As she climbed up, she felt Austin’s hand on her back, as if he wasn’t quite ready to let her go. Shivers ran up Sofi’s arms and settled as goosebumps before she rubbed them away.

She settled into her seat as Austin came around the car and pulled out of her driveway.

This was it. The moment she’d spent years waiting for. She was on a date with Austin Ashford.

Sofi tried to put on a serene front but internally there was just incoherent screaming and dancing.

Austin’s laugh told her she wasn’t doing a very good job of playing it cool and she glanced down to see that she’d been shimmying in her seat.

“I’m just a little excited,” Sofi said honestly in a way she couldn’t have with any other man. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this,” she added.

Austin’s laugh quieted as he nodded and then laced his fingers through Sofi’s, her heart rate ramping up as her chest filled with warmth.

“I have too,” Austin replied, meeting Sofi’s gaze for a split second before he turned his attention back to the road.

Sofi swallowed. She’d imagined this date countless times but even her overactive imagination hadn’t envisioned the way she would feel. She’d never felt so excited yet safe. So terrified yet thrilled. So happy and . . . yeah, just happy.

Austin pulled into the parking lot of the park that was transformed into the fall fair every year and then turned off his truck before looking at Sofi. He had yet to let go of her hand and she hoped he never would. There was something just so right about this. About them. She’d known they would be, and yet living it? Just so much better.

Sofi turned to Austin, ready to ask him what he wanted to do, when she noticed the skin around his eyes was tight. Like every expression Austin wore, Sofi recognized this one. Austin was nervous, though she wasn’t sure why.