Looking back, he couldn’t believe he’d been so blind for so long. He was sure it had been fear as well as the wrong timing that had kept him from seeing the truth, but now that he knew he had loved her all along, he couldn’t imagine not being able to see the perfection of him and Sofi together.

Speaking of him and Sofi together . . . should he ask her to the fall fair? Let that be their first date? Well, first real date. He’d gone to countless dances with Sofi when she couldn’t find a better date and had filled in at friends’ weddings and parties. They’d run the gambit of date nights together; they’d just never been together. Why hadn’t they been together?

Austin knew he had to come up with a plan quickly or he’d drive himself nuts with how dumb he’d been. At least if he had Sofi as his forever, he could look back on all of this and be grateful that things had turned out well despite his foolishness. But right now? He wasn’t where he wanted to be at all. He didn’t even know if he could get Sofi to go to the fall fair with him. But breaking tradition seemed wrong. Although even if she said yes, he wasn’t sure he could pull off an apology before then. And if he couldn’t, he wouldn’t go on a date with Sofi until he’d properly apologized.

But it would distress Sofi to go through that special night without him, wouldn’t it? Unless . . . what if Austin apologizedatthe fall fair? It was their night. It always had been. Just like two fifteen, this date had significance for them. He knew Sofi loved grand gestures and as her best friend he’d pulled off a few but as a plan finally came to mind, Austin knew this would be the best one yet. It would push him out of every comfort zone he’d ever put himself in and would be the apology Sofi truly deserved. Then and only then would he feel right about asking her to be his. Then he’d date her for a short while before making another request. The biggest of all. Because there was no question in Austin’s mind that dating was short-term. Sofi was a forever woman, his forever woman. But he figured popping that final question would freak her out, at least unless they’d been boyfriend and girlfriend for a week or so first.

Austin grinned. If all went well, Sofi would be his and he would be hers in just a few short days.

Now all he had to do was finalize his plan to win back the woman of his dreams.


Sofi slunk downinto the seat next to Leia, who was consumed by the book she read.

Sofi sighed, hoping to get her roommate’s attention. Just a few days before, she’d been told by her aunts to hold on, that Austin was up to something. So Sofi had waited, deciding she needed time to get herself in order, anyway. But those few days seemed to have done the trick. She’d started journaling, delving into her feelings and thoughts, and once she was there all apprehension about being with Austin had fled. Instead she focused on the one thing time away from Austin had taught her. Her life was so much better with him in it. She hated life without him. So why were they still doing this? She knew she was ready to start her life with him—now. So where was he?

Sofi had never been known for her patience.

“Ugh,” she groaned when Leia failed to look up at her sigh.

Leia turned her page, engrossed in what she was reading.

“Leia!” Sofi tried and Leia finally glanced up, her eyes full of displeasure. Sofi felt badly for her friend—it must be a good part for Leia to give her that look—but she needed help or she’d go insane. Keeping her roommate sane was in Leia’s best interest as well, so Sofi figured that by interrupting her, she was actually doing her a favor.

“Do I still just wait? Even though today is the fall fair?” Sofi asked, needing a second opinion.

“Have the Tías called and told you otherwise?” Leia asked with a sigh as she put a finger between the pages of her book, probably knowing she wouldn’t be getting back to her scene for a bit.

“No,” Sofi replied.

“Then you wait,” Leia said, a smile appearing on her face as she started to reopen her book.

“But why? I get that the Tías know something I don’t, but do I really just have to wait indefinitely? Can’t I call Austin? Text him?Something?” Sofi knew her voice was bordering on whining but she couldn’t help it. She wanted Austin and she wanted him now.

Hearing the words in her head didn’t make her feel any less like she was whining but they did spell out her feelings quite accurately, so Sofi wasn’t going to take them back, even if she did sound like a two-year-old.

Leia sighed, putting a bookmark in her place and setting her book to her side.

“Have the Tías ever steered you wrong?” she asked.

Sofi opened her mouth to tell her roommate all the ways in which the Tías had wronged her with their overzealous caring but Leia put up a hand. “Let me rephrase that. Do you think the Tías are steering you wrong this time?”

Sofi paused to think about that one. She quickly knew the answer, though she didn’t like it. The Tías were right. The fact that they knew she’d need some time to figure herself and her own fears out: right. The fact that Austin wasn’t quite ready to make contact . . . since he hadn’t yet, Sofi was figuring they were right once more. And maybe if today weren’t the fall fair Sofi would be okay still waiting (she wouldn’t be, but one tended to justify their feelings by lying to themselves in these sorts of situations). But todaywasthe fall fair, an event she’d attended with Austin for as long as she could remember. Sofi was done giving him time and space. How much did the man need? The Tías had said something about being ready? Sofi was unsure what that meant; she just knew she wanted to now ignore their advice. But Leia was waiting for an answer so she said, “No.” Her inner two-year-old was still in charge and the word came out as a pout.

Leia smiled as Sofi frowned. “But it’s the fall fair,” Sofi added.

Leia nodded slowly. She may not have known Sofi for as long as Austin had but she was well aware of their long-standing tradition.

“I can go with you if you’d like,” Leia offered kindly but it wasn’t the fair Sofi wanted. She wanted to go to the fall fair with Austin.

Okay, now her whining was even getting to her. Sofi needed to buck up. Leia was right. The Tías probably knew what they were talking about.

But then again, was ‘probably’ enough when Sofi’s entire future was on the line? Because she needed Austin. That much she knew.

She stood up. She should go to him. The Tías were wrong about this. Maybe Austin wanted to do some kind of grand gesture or something but Sofi didn’t need it. During her time reflecting she’d come to realize that, as Bash had said, Austin had shown Sofi time and time again that he truly cared about her. Yes, the date had been a dumb move, but as she thought about it, she knew what he’d said was true. It was such an Austin move. And if she loved him she was going to have to love all of him. Including the times he was downright stupid.

“I know that look,” Leia said, pointing at Sofi’s face and shaking her head.