That sounded like a good idea to Austin. So with no magic way to wipe Sofi’s pain away, he’d start with this. And a vow to never be the one to break her heart again. He then moved to the other issue at hand.

“So the hurt has to heal in its time,” Austin said and the women nodded. “The other thing I really messed up on . . . ”

Holland opened her mouth and Austin put up a finger to hush her. “I broke Sofi’s trust.” He shook his head in disgust but he’d beat himself up later. Right now he needed a plan of action. “How do I earn it back?” He’d promised Sofi time and he’d give it to her. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going into this with a strategy to be ready to win her heart as soon as time was up. He’d been the most senseless man on the planet and he’d almost lost the most important woman to him because he couldn’t see beyond his own needs. He’d never make that mistake again.

“Stay steady in her life,” Holland replied finally, her voice lacking the sass of earlier.

“Never lie to her,” Ruby chimed in.

“Never allow her to doubt your feelings for her,” Lake said.

“Show her you trust her,” Madi finished.

Austin looked at each of the women who meant so much to him but had given him squat. Everything they suggested he’d already been planning.

“I need more than that. I need something amazing. One big action that will show her that I will always think of her first. That she is my true priority now and forever,” Austin clarified.

Ruby’s and Madi’s faces were filled with sympathy. Holland rolled her eyes like he was an idiot.

“It doesn’t work like that,” Lake said gently, crushing all of Austin’s dreams.

It had to work like that. If not, then how would he ever show Sofi how sincere he was? That they would be incredible together. If she didn’t trust him, she’d never believe any of his efforts were real.

“But . . . ” Morgan’s voice came from across the kitchen where she was making apple rolls, filling the entire house with a mouthwatering smell. “I don’t think Sofi’s trust in you is completely broken. It’s been damaged. And she’s been hurt. Because you were stupid.”

“An imbecile,” Holland piped up.

“An idiot,” Ruby added.

“Foolish,” Madi said.

“Thoughtless, imprudent, and unwise,” Lake supplied. “But no worse than our significant others have been.”

She shared a look with Ruby that boosted Austin’s heart just a bit. If Jackson and Logan had been as stupid and somehow kept their amazing women, maybe Austin stood a chance.

“I’m so glad we can’t marry dumb Ashfords,” Holland said to Madi before breathing an exaggerated sigh of relief.

“Yeah, youaredumb Ashfords,” Austin couldn’t help but throw back at his sister, pumping his eyebrows with his taunt.

She laughed and the rest of the group joined in until Morgan cleared her throat. The room immediately fell silent as they gave the floor to the matriarch of their home.

“Pain and suffering can cause us to see things in a distorted manner. And not to downplay anything Sofi is feeling, but I think that once her hurt subsides, she’ll see that shecanstill trust you. You didn’t mean to hurt her. In fact, you were trying to protect her. Your motives were good, even though I think what you did was one of the dumbest ways of showing protection.” Morgan shook her head at her third son even as a fond smile lurked at the corners of her lips.

His mom was preaching to the choir. Austin now saw the error of his ways.

“And once she gets there, you’ll be ready. To show that support, truth, and love your wise sisters have directed you to have,” Morgan continued.

“So I just wait?” That didn’t sit well with Austin.

Morgan shrugged. “You don’t have to.”

Austin’s ears and ragged countenance perked up at the idea ofdoingsomething.

“You have a one up on many men in this situation,” Morgan continued. “You know Sofi better than most men know their wives. So what does she need from you that you haven’t given?”

“Besides going on dates with her and not other women,” Holland clarified.

Why had Austin invited his little sister to this group?