Buyer? Horses? Austin knew that was a big part of his job, but had he been specifically asked to speak to one buyer? If he had been, he was in trouble. Because he couldn’t recall talking to any buyer in weeks. He’d been busy with other things. Other . . . things, that he couldn’t quite remember at the moment. The days had gone by and he’d been busy, doing something.

“That blank face tells me we’ll be hearing it from Logan tomorrow,” Phoenix groaned.

“Logan is on his honeymoon,” Austin reminded him. He’d figure out what he’d been assigned to do in the morning and get it done before anyone was the wiser.

“Logan got home three days ago. He was in the barn with us today,” Land said slowly as if he was worried Austin wouldn’t be able to follow the line of conversation.

Wait, what?

Austin did a quick mental replay of the day and sure enough, he’d had a short conversation with Logan and Land. It had been just a few minutes. It had slipped his mind. Just like it could with anyone.

Although it had never happened to Austin before.

“He’s worse than lovesick,” Memphis chimed in.

Austin turned to glare at his brother.

“What’s the point of all of this?” Phoenix asked. “Because Sofi looked as miserable as you are.”

Austin spun toward Phoenix. “You saw Sofi?” There was a desperate rasp in his voice, but he didn’t care.

“Last weekend. I told you. At the BBQ at Trent’s.”

Austin fell back against the sofa cushions. Right. Phoenix had told him about that. At length, because Austin had pried every detail from him. He knew what Sofi ate, nearly every word she said—at least all the ones Phoenix could remember—and he even knew what she’d worn.

After being forced to relay the entire encounter, Phoenix had told Austin he was a mess, but Austin had ignored him because of one thing Sofi had said. She’d been on three dates and confessed that she was starting to really like Bash. Even as it had crushed his heart, Austin knew he was doing the right thing. Holding onto Sofi had been selfish. Too selfish.

But being selfless, even for Sofi’s sake, might be the end of him. However, if he could buck up and pull through for anyone, it would be for Sofi. So he would.

“She misses me, but she’s falling for Bash. She needs this,” Austin muttered from his slumped position on the couch. He was reclining so far he was practically lying down. Not exactly comfortable, but his posture matched his emotions.

“Does she?” Memphis asked as he brought a full plate of food to the couch. The smell of sloppy joes tempted Austin despite his woes and his still-full belly from dinner.

“Does she what?” Austin asked.

His mind felt like it was pushing through mush to get to any kind of coherent thought.

“Does she need this?” Memphis clarified.

“I agree. Because apparently what she wants isyou. And if your pathetic state is any indication, you want her too. More importantly, you need her,” Phoenix added as he swiped a fry from Memphis’ plate.

Austin, even as he didn’t want to let his brothers into all of his business, couldn’t disagree. “I know I need her. But she needs more than I can give her.”

“Friendship?” Land asked, cocking his head.

Austin nodded.

“But why?” Phoenix asked. “Why just friendship? There has to be chemistry between you two. Sofi is hot.”

“Will you all quit saying that.” Austin didn’t like that each of his brothers had to be checking Sofi out, considering their opinions on her attractiveness.

“She is. That’s fact, not opinion,” Land stated.

Austin growled, causing his brothers to smile. He missed the days his temper could strike fear into the hearts of his little brothers.

“So there isn’t any chemistry?” Memphis pressed just before he bit into his juicy sandwich.

“I didn’t say that,” Austin replied. He knew he was attracted to Sofi. Did he want to be physically close to her? Hell yes. There had been many a late night where he’d just about given into temptation, and only his love for her had saved them, but that wasn’t enough. “But when have I ever had a relationship last longer than a few months?”