Austin thought about his brothers, Joey, Ricky, and all of his other closest guy friends who had been by his side since high school. Even James and Landon, his closest friends in college, hadn’t dated Sofi, even though Austin knew for a fact that Landon had had a thing for her. He’d wondered why Landon had never pursued it and Austin had assumed it was because Landon didn’t want to mess things up for his and Austin’s friendship. Because Austin had made it clear to every one of his friends who had dated Sofi that if things went south and he had to choose a side, he’d always choose Sofi. But that was the only reason his brothers and closest friends hadn’t dated Sofi. It definitely wasn’t because she was in love with him.

Austin shook his head. It couldn’t be. “You haven’t dated her because she’s like a sister to you,” he pointed out to Memphis. He’d practically grown up with Sofi as a big sister, she was over at the ranch so much.

Memphis sputtered. “Nope. Never thought of her like a sister. If I thought I had a chance, I’d date her in a heartbeat. She’s hot, funny, watches football, and could play hours of video games with me and call it a date. I would have dated her for any of the first three, much less all of them, and married her for the last one. Have you seen how many times she’s rejected me?”

Austin narrowed his eyes toward his brother. Those were jokes. They all knew it.

“Maybe I ask her out in a lighthearted manner, but only because she’s made it abundantly clear that I don’t stand a chance.”

“Why would she date Matt if she loved me?”

“I doubt she enjoys loving you as you date anyone who looks halfway decent in a dress in the entire state, including most of her friends.”

But that’s what Sofi and Austin did. They dated a lot. And if that overlapped into their other friendships, they dealt with it. Because they knew in the end they’d always choose the other before anyone else.

“Why have you never told me? And why tell me now?” Austin asked, his brain throbbing as he tried to comprehend what Memphis was saying.

“I didn’t tell you—Matt did. And you know that first one. I love Sofi. I would never betray her.”

Austin got that. He wouldn’t have wanted his brother to betray Sofi. But this? This had to be a mistake. Right?

“And honestly,” Memphis added, “I think she’s been trying to get over you for as long as she’s loved you. That’s another reason no one has said anything. But I don’t think you have to worry about her loving you anymore. I think this latest guy might be your answer. She seems to really like him. As long as you’re sure you don’t want Sofi for yourself?”

Austin didn’t even have to think, he was already shaking his head no. Of course, he wanted all of Sofi’s friendship, but he’d always known she’d end up with another man. Austin would never be good enough for her, not when he couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t break her heart.

“Then I say give her some space. If you’re always there she’ll compare the feelings she’s had for you for years with this guy that’s just come into the picture. If you stay away, they may have a shot,” Memphis said as if he’d been thinking on this for a while. Maybe he had.

“We talk every day, Memphis,” Austin said, unsure of how to give Sofi space. She was the biggest part of his life. “She’ll freak out if I just go missing.” He was pretty sure he would freak out, too, if he had to stop seeing her all the time.

“Then tell her part of the truth. You want to give her space to let this new guy in. Let her know you’re cheering this on. Cheering her on.”

Austin swallowed. He didn’t like Memphis’ plan but he could understand it.

“How much space?” Austin asked.

“You’ll know when you’re there. But a good amount.”

Austin scrubbed a hand over his face. He still didn’t like it. But he’d do it. The last thing he wanted to do was injure Sofi. And if she really was pining after him? That wasn’t okay. So maybe this space thing was the answer. She deserved to love a man and have him love her back. And if this guy, who couldn’t even throw a dang ax, was the one to do this for Sofi . . .

Austin pulled out his phone and began composing a text. He knew if he spoke to Sofi he’d never follow through with Memphis’ plan. He’d cave. The time Sofi had been in Mexico had been some of the worst months of his life and he’d still called her every day. He just hadn’t seen her face for months. But to cut off all communication? He swallowed hard at the thought.

But if that’s what Sofi needed? What Memphis said was starting to make some sense. Austin also was beginning to see some truth in the idea that Sofi did love him. But it was probably just misplaced, since he was the most important guy in her life. Seeing him every day and longing for romantic love, she’d likely led herself to believe that she was attracted to him. But without him around all of the time? Sofi would have so much love to give. And she could give it to this guy.

He’d better be worthy of her.

Austin felt his tacos rise up in his throat as he pressed send.

He turned his phone off, knowing he’d respond if Sofi texted back. And he couldn’t do it.

“You’d better be right about this, Memphis,” Austin nearly growled, he was so angry with the situation. He knew it wasn’t Memphis’ fault, nor his, nor Sofi’s. It just was. But he still hated it.

Memphis nodded before leaning over to pat his brother on the back.

“I know I am. But it will still suck.”

Yeah, that was what Austin was anticipating.
