“I’m gonna help him walk this off,” Joey said as he got up and dragged Matt to his feet, letting him lean heavily on Joey as they left toward the front doors. Austin had a distinct feeling Joey was running. And judging by the way Memphis still wouldn’t meet his eyes, he knew Memphis wanted to do the same.

But why? They just had to say Matt was too drunk to know what he was talking about and the discussion would be over.

“She’s my best friend, Memphis,” Austin reiterated in case Memphis had missed it.

“I know,” Memphis said, cracking his neck before he met Austin’s gaze.

“So Matt has no idea what he’s talking about, right?” Austin said, running a hand through his hair. He knew that made his curls jump in all directions, but right now he didn’t care if he looked semi-unhinged. He was beginning to feel it. Matt couldn’t mean what he’d said. He couldn’t. It couldn’t be the truth. The ramifications . . . Austin couldn’t even begin to think about them. Sofi was his best friend. Boyfriends for her and girlfriends for him came and went, but she was his constant. He couldn’t lose that. He couldn’t lose her. And dating her? He knew it would mean losing her. Austin couldn’t hold onto a woman. It wasn’t in his nature.

Memphis scrubbed a hand over his face. “What do you want me to say?” he asked, clenching his jaw as he waited.

What did Austin want? The truth. He wanted Memphis to tell him Sofi was his best friend and nothing more.

“The truth,” Austin said, unsure of why he had to explain that.

Memphis shook his head once before turning around to see if Joey or Matt had returned. But no one had gone in or out of the doors since they’d left.

Memphis blew out a breath. “I’m not sure I can do this to Sof. She’s your best friend, but we all love her.”

Do what to Sofi?

“Memphis,” Austin pushed, a note of irritation in his voice. He had to hear what his brother was holding back, even as fear gripped every part of his heart.

“He’s right. She loves you. Maybe always has,” Memphis said quickly, as if he was ripping a band-aid off.

“As herbest friend.” Austin had to be clear because Memphis sure wasn’t.

“No,” Memphis said the one word and Austin wouldn’t have been more surprised if a gong had appeared out of nowhere and knocked him upside the head. In fact, he would have preferred that.

“What do you mean ‘no’?”

Memphis shook his head once more. “I shouldn’t be telling you this.”

“Did she tell you about her feelings for me?” Austin pressed, needing every part of this.

“She didn’t have to. Austin, it’s clear to everyone but you.”

Austin began shaking his head. It couldn’t be true. “She would have said something.”

“And ruin her most important friendship? What I don’t get is why you’re freaking out so badly. It’s obvious you love her as much as she loves you.”

Austin let out one short laugh even though there was nothing funny about this situation.

“As a friend, Memphis. If you think I love her romantically, then you’ve got it all wrong. You all have it wrong. We are best friends. An adult male and an adult female can be best friends.”

Memphis lifted a shoulder, telling Austin he wouldn’t fight about this. But Austin wasn’t done. He couldn’t let Memphis leave thinking Sofi loved Austin and he loved her.

“You’re my brother. You know how I am in relationships. I ruin every single one. Sofi is constant. My best friend. To be anything more . . . ”

Disasterdidn’t begin to cover the devastation that would come about if he were to date Sofi.

“I guess you’re right,” Memphis said, looking behind him again.

“I know I’m right,” Austin prevailed. “So if Sofi loved me and you all knew it, why did Matt and so many of my friends date her?”

“Because Matt is a selfish prick. Sofi’s hot, Aus,” Memphis said, as if that was answer enough. Austin guessed it typically was. With any other woman, but not with Sofi. Sofi was so much more than just hot.

“And every friend of yours who dated Sofi was the same as Matt. But have you noticed none of your very closest friends have ever dated Sofi?”