Sofi walked down the small hall that led to their main living space and rounded the corner to see Leia standing with a man who definitely was not shorter than Leia or Sofi.

His caramel skin nearly matched Sofi’s, making her wonder if he was half Mexican and half white as well, something she’d never had in common with a guy she’d dated. His hair was a light brown while his eyes were dark and alluring. His shoulders were broad and he wasn’t balding in the least.

Sofi’s heart sped up as she felt a spark of attraction. He was gorgeous. Maybe not Austin gorgeous but—nope, no more comparing any man to Austin. This was Sebastian.

“Hi,” Sofi said as she approached Leia and Sebastian.

With her back to Sebastian, Leia’s eyes went wide, telling Sofi she approved of the good-looking man in their living room.

“These are for you,” Sebastian said as he offered Sofi beautiful yellow daisies with one hand and a box of chocolates with the other. “I wasn’t sure which to get so I got both.”

Sofi grinned as she took the offered gifts.

“Corny, I know. But classics are classics for a reason, right?” Sebastian asked.

Sofi nodded. She swore she’d said the same thing at some point in her life.

Sofi set the chocolates on her kitchen counter but Leia took the flowers. “I’ll get these in water,” she offered as she left the two to go to the kitchen.

“Thanks, Leia,” Sofi called behind her before turning back to Sebastian. “I guess we should be off?”

Sebastian nodded, a smile on his lips as he appreciatively gazed at Sofi. She noticed his eyes stopped on her long curled hair, a happy gleam in them, before moving to her silky pink tank that she’d tucked into a pair of white wide-legged jeans.

“You look amazing,” Sebastian complimented, aware that Sofi noticed him checking her out. She liked that. He was confident. She could work with confident.

“As do you,” Sofi replied because he did.

He wore a black tee that fit his shoulders and chest perfectly, showing off his stature and build. She was grateful he wore jeans as well. When he’d said to dress casually, Sofi had worried she’d gone too casual, but Sebastian’s outfit told her she’d hit the level of dress perfectly.

Sebastian opened her door and held it as Sofi walked out, then hurried ahead to his blue truck, opening the passenger’s side door.

And chivalrous. Although Sofi could open her own door, she appreciated a man who was willing to do it for her.

She watched as he rounded the front of his truck, taking in more of him. He really was attractive. Part of her wondered if he was too attractive.

Count on Sofi to find a downside to an attractive man.

“So . . . have you ever been ax-throwing?” Sebastian asked as he climbed into his seat.

Sofi grinned. She’d been quite a few times, thanks to Austin’s addiction to the sport.

“I have,” Sofi said, shooting Sebastian a friendly smile because he seemed even more nervous than she did.

“Oh good. I thought it might be weird for a first date but I really wanted to do something where we could talk but not just a normal dinner, you know? Although we will get food after. I hear from your Tía that as long as I feed you, you’ll like me.”

Sofi burst into laughter. That sounded like her Tía. She would have been offended if it weren’t the truth.

“So, Sebastian—” Sofi started.

“You can call me Bash. Everyone does,” he interjected.

A nickname. Sofi liked it.

“And you can call me Sofi. I mean, I answer to Sofia too, but most people like the shorter version.”

“I like both,” Bash said, a grin filling his face and showing off his white teeth.

Okay, but why was he just getting better and better?