What was he doing to her?

Sofi wanted to pull away. To save the last shred of her heart. Her sanity.

But instead she let herself enjoy every sensation, from Austin’s touch to the whisper of his breath on her skin.

When Austin began to hum, Sofi was lost.

His deep voice kept perfect tune with the music as he began to softly sing the words of the song they danced, at a volume only she could hear.

“Everyone turns to see,” he sang as Sofi closed her eyes again, treasuring the moment.

She knew Austin didn’t sing anymore. At all. For anyone. That he would do so for her? Even if it was just as they danced, she knew it was because she made him feel safe.

Without thinking she turned her head up, looking into the animated blue eyes she knew better than her own. He cared for her. She knew he did.

If she just lifted onto her toes . . .

Sofi yanked herself out of Austin’s arms and said the first thing she could think of. “I have to pee.”

Austin’s startled face changed to an expression of mirth at Sofi’s declaration.

“Then you should pee,” Austin said amidst his chuckles.

Sofi turned on her heel, grateful Austin suspected nothing. But she’d been about to . . . she couldn’t even think it. It would have ruined everything. She would have ruined everything.


Years of friendship. Because she knew how Austin viewed her. He’d made it plain as day. He asked out the women he was interested in. He’d never asked Sofi out. Ever.

Hurrying toward the ranch house, she walked in, wishing she could find some of the peace this place had always brought her. But it was missing. Maybe part of her was missing.

All she knew was that she had to leave. She needed space from this place. From Austin.

She pulled out her phone as she exited the house without peeing. Her bladder could wait. But these texts couldn’t.

Can you get a ride home?

Leia was her first text.

Of course. But are you okay?

I just need to go home,Sofi texted hurriedly as she asked the valet for her keys. She hoped this second exchange would go as well.

Sorry. I don’t feel well. I think I’m going to head home.

Would Austin believe her?

Where are you?came the immediate response.

Waiting for my car. Don’t leave. It’s your brother’s wedding.

But if you’re sick.

I’ll be fine. Just need bed and a couple of pain relievers.

Do you have a headache?

Headache, heartache, it was nearly the same thing.