“I can take it from here,” Sofi said as she felt his presence before she’d heard his voice.

“Thanks, Austin.” The cute assistant beamed up at Sofi’s best friend and Sofi wondered if there was a backstory there was well. The assistant was totally Austin’s type. Had he already asked her out? Let her know that Sofi was just a friend?

Sofi swallowed back her jealousy that wanted to rear its ugly head. But she had no claim on Austin. She never had and she never would.

“Table one, got it.” Sofi started that direction at a brisk pace before Austin could touch her hand or the small of her back or some other place that made her lose her mind.

She hurried as fast as her giant heels would let her and slipped into the empty seat beside Land.

She couldn’t keep doing this. She had to get a better control on her emotions. Typically Sofi could totally accept just being Austin’s best friend but it had to be something about this setting, so many dreams on display that would never be realized.

That had to be it.

Austin took the empty seat on Sofi’s other side and she felt his worry without even looking at him.

“Everything okay?” he whispered in her ear, causing goosebumps to erupt all over her exposed skin.

She quickly brushed them away, trying to keep her movements casual as she turned a smile to Austin, hoping he’d buy it.

“It’s perfect. I was just a little surprised by the seating arrangements,” Sofi said breezily. Or at least that’s what she was going for.

“Oh,” Austin said knowingly. She knew he was assuming it was because she hated being anywhere near the limelight. Which Sofi did. And she was glad for his assumption.

The emcee then announced dinner and soon everyone was seated at their tables with plates of salad in front of them. People dug eagerly into their meals and Sofi lifted her first bite to her mouth as well, but she continued surveying the others at the table, hoping to get her mind off of the man at her side.

Phoenix had come back from his chat with Trent, his date still appearing sulky even though she was no longer alone. Sofi watched as Phoenix nervously played with his fork, his glance flitting from brother to brother and then finally resting on his date. She shook her head and he shook his in return, some kind of silent disagreement that Sofi was sure they’d be hearing about soon.

Phoenix once again turned to the table at large before clearing his throat.

“So,” Phoenix began as his date’s frown deepened. Phoenix glanced toward her but then turned his attention to his brothers and their dates. “You guys know I’m going back to Salt Lake early tomorrow.”

The brothers nodded.

“I would have waited for a bit more of a private time to tell you all but at this point it doesn’t really matter who overhears since the announcement will be made public tomorrow,” Phoenix continued. “I’m quitting football.”

Sofi’s hand flew to her mouth as the brothers’ faces all ranged in different forms of shock. Only Jackson and Ruby seemed unfazed by the announcement.

“Why?” Land asked.

Phoenix shrugged. “It’s time. I gave as much as I could to the sport and while part of me wishes I could play forever, I know the truth. A few more really bad hits and it won’t be just retirement for me. It could be a whole lot worse. I love football, but not enough to give it everything.”

The brothers all nodded as Grace’s friend seemed as if she wished she were elsewhere during this family announcement. Memphis’s date, on the other hand, was eating it up, probably wishing she had her phone to record the whole thing. Phoenix’s girlfriend, who had been quiet up to that point, scoffed before shaking her head once again.

“So you’re just going to throw away all of the money, fame, and your life in Salt Lake, just like that,” she said, turning on him.

Austin raised his brows as Memphis choked back a laugh.

“If you want to look at it like that,” Phoenix replied calmly.

“What other way is there?” she pressed.

Phoenix stood and gently took his girlfriend’s arm.

“Maybe this is a conversation we should have in private,” he said.

She rolled her eyes and shook off his touch but stood to follow him.

Judging by the tension radiating off of both Phoenix and his girlfriend, Sofi had a feeling their relationship wouldn’t last the rest of the evening.