“Did you guys just get here?” Sofi asked when she realized she hadn’t seen her parents during the ceremony.

“We slipped into the back row just as things were getting started. We were almost late since we left Mario in the kitchen and there was a last-minute cilantro emergency,” Darla told Sofi too quickly, the way she said all of her words.

Sofi’s eyes went wide with alarm. “He didn’t mess up my soup, did he?” Sofi asked. People came all the way from Boise for Sofi’s tortilla soup. And if Mario had ruined all of her hard work in one afternoon?

“Nothing like that. It’s fine, mija,” her father said in his calming way, his words only half the speed of his wife’s.

Sofi believed her father and smiled, grateful for the reprieve. Even worrying about her soup was better than the self-pity she’d been absorbed in. Austin didn’t love her. But one day, some great man would. And Sofi would have her wedding. Not this wedding, but a beautiful one. One that would have her mom gushing as well.

Sofi’s parents proceeded to fill her in on the happenings at the mercado as well as her family. It didn’t matter that she’d seen them the day before, they were full of new stories. Apparently her twitterpated cousin had cut his finger while trying to learn to carve wood because his new girlfriend loved homemade gifts.

“And like a little idiot, he’s back in the shop again. Even after he almost lost his finger,” Darla stated with a shake of her head.

“Lost a finger is a little dramatic, Amor,” Sofi’s dad interjected.

Leia bit her lip as she held back a laugh; she always enjoyed Sofi’s parents’ antics. Leia had told Sofi that Sofi knew more about her extended family than Leia knew about herself and that sounded about right. The Castillos were all up in one another’s business at all times. It was what made them endearing as well as annoying.

Their conversation came to a halt as the emcee called all of their attention. He explained to them that they could soon be seated at the tables, asking them to check in with one of the wedding planner’s assistants to find where they’d been assigned.

“But before you do that, let’s announce our wedding party!” the emcee called out to the cheers of all attendees.

Before the emcee could say his name, Sofi felt her eyes drawn to the side of the dancefloor where Austin stood. Somehow, even when wearing the same things as his brothers who surrounded him, he stood out. Like a beacon calling to Sofi.

She closed her eyes to try to break her connection but when she opened them again, somehow her gaze was still on him, even though he’d moved.

Sofi had a problem. One she wasn’t sure how to fix.

The emcee announced the wedding party one by one, calling out the height and weight of the brothers like they were entering a boxing match. The brothers playfully punched one another as the bridesmaids played their roles of shock (Lottie), trying to break up the fight (Grace), and holding up a card that readRound One(Holland). The crowd enjoyed every part of the antics as the wedding party took their seats at two different tables, but the clapping kicked up a notch when Lake and Logan entered the tent.

“And give it up for your bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Aaaaashford!” The emcee boomed as the cheers turned almost riotous.

Lake beamed up at Logan, who only had eyes for his bride. He led her to a table at the head of the room and the two sat before the wedding planner’s assistants flitted around the room, seating people quickly.

Sofi hung back with her parents, waiting for their assignment as others who were more anxious to sit went straight to the assistants.

“Hello there,” a cute blonde said as she came up to Sofi, Leia, and Sofi’s parents. “Name?” she asked Leia.

Leia gave her name.

“Table ten,” the assistant replied with a smile.

“I’m guessing that’s table ten?” Leia pointed to a table that Trent stood next to. He was in deep conversation with Phoenix, which made sense, considering the two were best friends.

“Sure is,” the blonde said before she turned to Sofi’s mom.

Darla gave her name and the assistant let her know they were at table five. Sofi was about to follow them when the assistant stopped her.

“Table five is just for Mr. and Mrs. Castillo. Are you Sofia?” she asked.

Sofi nodded, following where the assistant pointed on her seating chart. Table one. Next to Austin Ashford.

“But isn’t that table for the wedding party?” Sofi asked as her parents walked away.

“And their dates. Lake figured since she made them all have dates she should at least let them sit with their dates.”

Sofi had almost forgotten all of the brothers would have dates. Because none of the other dates had sat with the family at the ceremony nor were they in any of the pictures. But as she glanced toward table one and two, sure enough. Brooks was sitting with one of Grace’s friends while Land sat next to Grace, who must be his date. Memphis had his date in his lap and a gorgeous blonde sat two chairs down from Memphis, pouting with her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the back of Phoenix’s head. That must be his date.

Sofi was sure there was a backstory there and she wasn’t positive she wanted to know what it was.