“But Leia’s back there,” Sofi tried coming up with an excuse. She needed to sit in the back. Away from this family she adored and dreamed of joining. Sitting up here would give her heart too much hope.

“With Trent and the boys. She’s fine. But if you don’t sit up with us, Austin will probably yell at me, and then Jackson will have to defend me and the brothers would fight at Logan’s wedding, ruining Lake’s day. You wouldn’t want that, would you?” Ruby asked innocently as the two stopped beside the very front row where the family was seated.

Sofi waved at Lake’s mom and family on the other side of the aisle before turning to Ruby.

“You are a menace,” Sofi accused Ruby, but her tone was so light there was no bite to her words.

“And you need to know your worth to this family. I may just be a girlfriend and therefore have no right to speak for all of them, but they love you, Sofi. As one of their own. Don’t hurt them all by sitting back there. Though I can guess some of your reasons why you’re keeping your distance.” Ruby’s eyes were full of knowing.

“Wait, you don’t think—” Sofi felt panic well within her. Ruby didn’t know what she felt for Austin, did she? If she, a newcomer, had figured it out, did they all know?

“I don’t think anything. Other than hopefully Austin will get his head out from wherever it is and see what’s right in front of him. But until then, sit with us,” Ruby said quietly.

So Ruby did suspect something. But Sofi was pretty sure she was implying her own hope, not that she’d noticed Sofi’s hopes. Hopefully? But because Sofi wasn’t willing to admit her feelings to Ruby, she guessed she wouldn’t know exactly what Ruby knew. And Sofi was okay with that. Sure, it was embarrassing to wonder if others were witnessing her pining, but as long as Austin didn’t find out she’d manage.

Sofi nodded once and Ruby pulled her into a hug. “These Ashford men can be fools, but I promise they’re worth it.”

That’s what Sofi was afraid of. But she said nothing as she turned to embrace Morgan.

“You look beautiful, my Sofi,” Morgan said as she pulled Sofi in tight.

Forget regretting never having Austin as the man in Sofi’s life. How would any mother-in-law measure up to Morgan Ashford?

“Not even half as gorgeous as you,” Sofi responded from within Morgan’s arms.

Morgan wore a lace dress similar in color to Sofi’s. Lake had asked that all the women in the family dress in mint green and when Austin had relayed that message as he’d asked Sofi to be his date, Sofi had been sure she wasn’t to be included in the family dress code. But Lake had texted her moments later asking her to please wear mint green. So even though time had been short, Sofi had gone on a hunt for the perfect mint green dress and had found it at one of Blue Falls’ local boutiques.

In fact, nearly their entire row was dressed in the color aside from Logan’s grandpa, who looked dashing in his black tuxedo.

Ruby took the open seat next to Madi and gestured for Sofi to sit between her and Logan’s grandma.

Sofi hurried down the front of the row and sank into her seat just as the music began to change, a string quartet playing Lake’s and Logan’s song.

All heads turned and Sofi’s did as well. Her lips curved into a smile as she watched Logan’s brothers, Brooks and Memphis, walk Lake’s friend Lottie down the aisle. Lottie shone in her coral dress, the color assigned to the three bridesmaids, while the brothers in their black tuxedos caused an audible gasp amongst some of the female attendees. Memphis winked at a few of the gaspers as Brooks seemed oblivious to it all and Lottie beamed. Memphis and Brooks left Lottie on the bride’s side before taking their places in front of where Sofi sat with Logan’s family.

“You look hot,” Memphis mouthed to Sofi and she rolled her eyes. What else could she do when Memphis acted like Memphis?

Heads turned again, this time for stunning Holland being led down the aisle by her brothers Land and Phoenix. It wasn’t often that the Ashfords had Phoenix home since he played professional football for the Salt Lake Lightning, so the women who had gasped for Memphis and Brooks now sat on the edges of their seats, hoping to catch the attention of the most elusive Ashford.

Land and Phoenix followed the same path Memphis and Brooks had, Phoenix giving Holland a high five before moving to his side, and a ripple of laughter went through the wedding attendees.

Sofi held her breath and tried to hold onto her heart as she knew who was coming next.

He’s going to look like a dream,Sofi warned herself. Austin in a cowboy hat, flannel, and jeans made her want to curl right up in his arms but Austin in a tuxedo? The few times she’d witnessed that work of art she’d nearly collapsed as her knees went weak.

And there he was. Sofi knew he was walking down the aisle with Grace, Lake’s sister, and Jackson. She should at least notice the others. But she couldn’t; her eyes would only allow her to take in Austin. His honey brown curls were combed back, though a few escaped the attempted styling. His face wasn’t quite clean shaven, the five o’clock shadow Sofi adored gracing his strong jawline. And then the tux. It was molded to his shoulders, showcasing what hours on a ranch did for a man.

Sofi wrenched her gaze away from him and looked to the front where Phoenix, Land, Brooks, and Memphis all appeared perfectly acceptable in their tuxedos. A sight she could handle.

Sofi pretended something in her purse needed her attention as she felt the gaze of all around her go toward where the men were surely dropping Grace off before moving to their positions. Standing in front of Sofi. She couldn’t look down for the entirety of the ceremony and yet she couldn’t look at Austin either.

But her problems were put off for another minute as all heads turned back once more and Sofi grinned, watching her friend, a man she admired, walk down the aisle, his hands tightly gripped by two smaller hands. A beaming Delia and Amelie clung to their almost-stepfather as they eagerly towed him down the aisle, their long white dresses swishing around their ankles. Not that he needed much encouragement—Logan was clearly eager to get to the end of the aisle to await his bride.

Logan found his place under the arbor and fixed his eyes at the far end of the aisle, impatiently waiting as the song drew to a close. He gathered his new daughters beside him, squeezing each of their hands as they all looked toward where they knew Lake would enter. Sofi couldn’t help smiling as she saw Logan physically leaning toward the aisle as if willing Lake to appear.

Suddenly the little orchestra began playing the wedding march and all of the guests rose as Lake entered the venue. She looked resplendent in her ivory mermaid wedding gown, her veil trailing all the way to the ground behind her. Lake’s father appeared triumphant being the center of attention, nodding to various friends as he walked, while Lake had eyes only for her little family. Her gaze went straight to Logan and then dropped to each of her girls.

“Mommy!” Amelie cried out as watery laughs filled the space.