“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Leia said with a groan. “It’s hard enough getting a man to give me a chance without Trent hovering around, but as soon as he’s in the same vicinity, there is no chance whatsoever.”

“Now it’s time you stop it. I’ve seen men fall over themselves, literally, to get your attention.”

Leia rolled her eyes but she knew it was the truth. Her extra curves seemed to only enhance the attention she got from the opposite sex. Even when she wore giant band tees and sweatpants that she’d stolen from Trent years before.

“So I guess we’re ready,” Sofi said even as she kind of wanted to delay their departure. Since Austin was a groomsman, Sofi had insisted he stay at the ranch instead of picking her up, so that he could be there for whatever Lake and Logan needed. Leia would have caught a ride with Trent and the boys, but when she heard Sofi was driving she figured she might as well jump in with Sof and meet her three dates at the wedding as well.

Sofi would have smiled at her and Leia’s pathetic wedding date situation if it hadn’t been quite so indicative of reality. Sofi spent all of her time with Austin instead of trying to get over him and Leia spent all of hers with her emotionally unavailable, just-family brother-in-law and his two kids. It wasn’t a wonder that they were both single. But not for long, hopefully. Sofi had another date lined up and although this was a setup by her Tía Rosa, at least Sofi knew the man wasn’t already engaged.

Sofi’s Audi made quick work of the drive to the ranch and she followed the directions of one of the valets the Ashfords had hired for the night. She got out of her car when directed and handed off her keys to yet another valet who would park her car in the makeshift lot.

Leia got out of the car as well, her mouth dropping open at the transformation the ranch had undergone in the last few weeks. Sofi had been there the night before to help with the day’s setup so she wasn’t quite as surprised but she was still impressed.

The women walked through an elegant arbor covered in white hyacinth and periwinkle and onto a gorgeous grassy field that Logan had tended to himself. He knew that Lake had a vision for their big day and Logan had done everything in his power to make sure it was exactly what she’d hoped it would be. Trees dotted the back of the wedding area, a perfect backdrop for another arbor, much like the one Sofi had just walked through, but this one was an A-line instead of rounded, marking the spot where Lake had chosen to have their ceremony. In front of the arbor were rows of white painted wooden chairs, more bouquets of white flowers tied to each chair that lined the length of white fabric that made the aisle.

Sofi knew that beyond the trees was a giant clear tent decorated with twinkle lights and yet more white flowers, which sheltered white tables and chairs as well as a giant dance floor where Lake intended to dance the night away.

“I can’t believe they made all of this happen here,” Leia said, noting the differences between the way the ranch typically looked and what they were walking into.

“Right? Between Lake’s vision and Morgan’s desire to make every wish of her soon-to-be daughter-in-law come true, miracles happened,” Sofi said, then added, “Oh and of course Logan’s excellent watering skills.” She pointed to the picture-perfect grass that cushioned their footfalls.

“So this is what it’s like to marry an Ashford,” Leia said quietly, causing Sofi’s heart to pitter patter and then squeeze painfully.

Sofi would be lying if she didn’t admit she had once or a million times imagined walking down the aisle to Austin, but she could have never imagined this beautiful setting. So now her wedding fantasies would only grow as the reality that Austin would ever see her as more than a friend continued to dwindle away.

“Aunt Leia,” the cutest little voice called out, grabbing the attention of both women. The two hurried over to the waving toddler. Leia’s sister had devastatingly passed during childbirth, but Beckett was the treasure she’d left behind.

Even though the wedding venue was filling up, Trent had found his family seats toward the back edge of the seating area, the perfect place to sit if one might need a quick getaway with a toddler who didn’t like to sit for too long.

Leia took the open spot next to Beckett and Sofi sat next to her.

Just in time, since a couple then sat next to Sofi and their row was filled to capacity. Sofi looked around to see most of the other seats filling just as quickly. With only a few minutes left before the ceremony started, it made sense.

“Hi, Sofi,” Justin, Trent’s older son, said shyly before ducking his head behind his brother.

“Hey, Justin. How is it that you get more handsome every time I see you?” Sofi asked as she leaned down so that she could see Justin’s eyes just behind his brother. Both boys were adorable in blue button-up shirts, white suspenders, and khaki pants, though Beckett’s outfit had the added accessory of a cast.

Justin’s cheeks reddened and Trent sent a wink Sofi’s way. He’d confided in Leia and Sofi that Justin craved female attention, probably because he’d lost his mother at such a young age. So Leia and Sofi had taken it upon themselves to make sure Justin and Beckett were lavished with all the maternal affection they could handle.

“Sofi!” a voice called out.

Sofi turned around to see Ruby waving her down from the aisle. Since Sofi was in the middle of her row, she was a little hard to get to. Sofi waved back at Jackson’s girlfriend but Ruby shook her head at the greeting before motioning for Sofi to join her.

“Now?” Sofi asked because the ceremony really would be starting soon and if she went all the way down the row to talk to Ruby now she wasn’t sure she’d be back in her seat before the processional started.

“Yes,” Ruby confirmed, beckoning urgently.

Sofi shrugged toward Leia before excusing herself as she bumped into nearly everyone on her row on her way out.

“What are you doing way back here?” Ruby good naturedly scolded as she pushed Sofi ahead of her down the aisle. “Austin asked me to make sure you sat up with the family.”

Sofi turned her head to look at Ruby even as Ruby’s hand pressed against Sofi’s back, propelling her forward.

“I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” Sofi hesitated as she swiveled her head forward once more to keep from tripping while continuing to walk. She then glanced up at where Morgan sat with her clan. All of her kids were missing since they were Logan’s groomsmen and Lake’s bridesmaid, but on either side of Morgan was an empty seat, and Sofi knew they were reserved for Lake’s daughters, Morgan’s soon-to-be-granddaughters. Nearby sat Madi, Logan’s cousin and Ruby’s best friend. When Ruby and the young girls joined them they would be a group full of the most important women to the Ashford men. Sofi didn’t want to claim a spot amongst them. Not when she knew she’d be ousted as soon as Austin found the right woman. Even though Austin dated like it was a sport at the moment, Sofi knew one day he’d settle down and then . . . well, Sofi would have hopefully already settled down at that point as well or she wasn’t sure she could endure that heartbreak.

“Of course it is,” Ruby said, her hand never leaving Sofi’s back, as if she knew Sofi might flee back to her seat next to Leia if given the chance.

And Ruby was right. Sofi totally would.