Sofi blinked. Yeah, she’d guessed wrong again. Why was he telling her this?

Rob blew out another breath. “I guess she . . . ” He paused awkwardly, fidgeting with his napkin. “She asked me to marry her.”

Sofi felt her jaw drop. What had he said?

“In front of my whole family, so I had to say yes. Do women feel this kind of pressure when they’re proposed to?”

She’d heard him right. The man was engaged and yet he was sitting here on a date with her.

“I know you have to be wondering why I didn’t cancel with you, but we had so much chemistry over the app and I had to see it through. And now that you’re here, I can’t help but wonder if I made a mistake . . . ” Rob’s voice trailed off.

Two reactions hit Sofi equally. One, that poor woman. And two, she needed to let Rob know the only mistake he’d made was not cancelling this date.

“You didn’t,” Sofi piped up when she finally found her voice. But shock tended to paralyze her vocal cords. “I mean, you should have cancelled on me, but I am not the right woman for you.”

“I don’t know,” Rob mused, his eyes bouncing from her to the table as if he were completely conflicted.

“I do. And for future reference you probably shouldn’t go on dates while you’re engaged to someone else.”

“In my defense, the date was set up before I got engaged.”

That didn’t win him any points.

The waiter came over with their food.

“Do you mind boxing this up for me?” Sofi asked as she handed her plate back to the waiter, who nodded knowingly. Had he overheard what Rob had said? Was everyone in the restaurant following this bizarre drama? She knew she’d hear it from Austin later, but for now she just needed to get out of there.

“Still shouldn’t have come,” Sofi said to Rob.

It would’ve been strange to have her date cancelled because the guy suddenly got engaged, but still better than showing up to keep his options open.

“But you’re so beautiful . . . ”

Sofi shook her head. This wasn’t happening.

The waiter reappeared and Sofi would tip him in a big way for that. He also brought two checks. Bless the man.

Sofi took her check and inserted her card as Rob just stared at the other folder.

“You split our check?” Rob asked the waiter, his blue eyes wide.

The waiter handed Sofi’s check off to a coworker before nodding at Rob.

“But we’re on a date,” Rob said.

“Did you want to pay for the lady’s meal?” the waiter asked.

“I’d rather pay for my own,” Sofi piped up.

“But what if you wanted to pay for us both?” Rob asked Sofi.

Was this man for real?

“I didn’t,” Sofi said quickly.

“As an engagement gift?”

Sofi glanced at the waiter and they shared a bewildered look. Sofi was grateful someone else could share in the weirdness of this moment and affirm that she wasn’t going crazy.