Page 93 of Wish

Goddamn, the emotion rolling off him was like a hurricane raging at my back. It took everything in me to stay solidly planted on my feet. The desperation to turn and look at him was second to none, but I denied myself because if I did, I would do something we’d both regret.

How sad that I protected him with an app instead of my arms.

“I’ll keep the app,” he whispered, and the groan I bit back vibrated my throat, making my Adam’s apple swell.

“Good boy,” I whispered so quietly I thought he wouldn’t be able to hear.

I should have known better. It seemed his awareness of me was just as discernible as mine of him. The broken sound he made was nearly my downfall, but before I could do anything, someone called his name.


“Yeah?” Wes answered.

The wariness in his tone had my boots scuffing against the floor as I turned, spearing the approaching guy with a deadly, flat stare. And oh, he noticed. His eyes slid to me instantly, his footsteps faltering.

But then his eyes went back to Wes, his movements going fluid and a smile pulling up his bow-shaped mouth.

What? Yeah, I noticed the shape of the mouth talking to Wes. I also noticed that he was a little taller than Wes but not as muscular. He also wasn’t Elite, which was obvious by the way the guys in the booth all stared.

His hair was sandy brown, styled to look like he didn’t bother with it, but he totally did. And his eyes, which were still scoping out Wes, were blue.

“Hey.” He smiled, revealing a dimple. “I—”

“Who are you?” I cut in, closing the distance between us, partly pushing myself in front of Wes.

“Uh, name is Theo,” he said, eyes going over my shoulder to look back at Wes. Dude was pushing his fucking luck. “Theo Brooks.”

“Have we met?” Wes asked.

Theo shook his head, and I grabbed his shoulder. “Time to go.”

His blue eyes widened, and he lifted a flyer he clutched in his hand. “I wanted to invite you to a party.” His eyes went to the booth. “Your friends too.”

“A party?” Jamie called out. “Bro, come on over here.”

I swear he and I were going to have it out one day. I turned to glare at him as Theo moved toward the table. Wes started forward too, but I caught his arm, making him falter so I could go first, keeping myself in the middle.

“You’re ridiculous,” Wes muttered.

I flicked a glance over my shoulder. “You like it.”

He flushed, and I turned my attention back to this blue-eyed, Wes-touching interloper.

“Hey, guys, I’m Theo.”

I gave Win a look, and his subtle chin salute said he, too, was tracking this guy. Win was definitely sunnier than me, but he wasn’t a pushover, and he was just as protective of Wes.

Okay, well, maybe not quite.

Theo angled his body so Wes was included in the conversation as he went on. “I’m with the LGBTQIA+ club on campus.” He held up the flyer. “We’re having a party tomorrow night.” He turned all his attention to Wes, and my back teeth ground together. “I wanted to see if you wanted to come.”

“Me?” Wes asked, taking the flyer he was offered.

Theo nodded. “Yeah, we host a big rave—”

“Why are you asking Wes?” I butted in.

Wes gave me a hard look and then pushed around so I wasn’t standing in front of him but beside him.