Page 77 of Wish

I appreciated what Coach was doing, but really, it wasn’t helping.

I cleared my throat and stepped off the bleachers to approach Rinkin. His eyes narrowed as he watched me close in. Ryan and Jamie moved toward my back, but I didn’t acknowledge it.

“Look, I get you don’t like me. I’m gay, and you don’t approve. But we both love swimming. I’ll stay out of your way. You stay out of mine. And I’ll, ah, stay out of the showers when you’re in there.” Ryan made a sound, but I held up my hand. “Okay?”

Rinkin stared at me, then nodded once. “Whatever.”

“Yes or no?” I said, voice quiet but unyielding.

“Yes. Sure.” Rinkin finally gave.

I held out my hand, but he ignored it, pulling his goggles on and diving into the pool.

“I swear to God, that guy,” Jamie muttered behind me.

I glanced around at the rest of Elite. “Anyone else?”

No one said anything.

I turned to Coach. “Good?”

He nodded, a little bit of pride in his eyes.

I didn’t care if I impressed him. Why should I? All I did was try and keep the peace.

“He bothers you, I want to know about it.”

I nodded.

“Back in the pool! All of you!” Coach roared.

I went back to the bleachers and sat down, shoving the Airpods in my ears. I spent the rest of practice watching and wishing I was in the water.

When Coach finally called practice and the guys started filtering out of the locker room after changing, I half expected some to approach or at least shoot disgusted looks my way. None of that happened. Everything was normal. If anything, I got a few moresee ya laternods than I usually did.

Ryan and Jamie came out, fully changed, Jamie with a backward baseball hat on his head and Ryan with towel-dried dark hair.

“Breakfast?” Ryan asked.

“Bro, sure,” I answered. “Shirley’s?” Sometimes we ate at the campus eatery in the mornings and then hit the diner after second swim. But just like I had unfinished business at the pool this morning, I also had some at Shirley’s.

“You need a ride?” Jamie asked.

I shook my head. “I have my brother’s Rover.”

“Let’s go, then. I’m so hungry I could eat the southbound end out of a northbound mule.”

Ryan and I laughed, and I spared a glance at the pool on our way out.

Ryan slapped me on the shoulder. “You’ll be back in the water soon.”

Not soon enough for me.



I expectedto see Wes when I came downstairs. He was always the first one up, those swimmer hours long ingrained in him.