Page 87 of Wish

I got up off the stool to stand beside him. “This is Veronica,” I answered. “Veronica, this is my brother Win.”

“Nice to meet you,” she said.


“What are you doing here?” I asked him, internally breathing a sigh of relief that I wasn’t alone with her anymore.

“Came to have breakfast with my baby bro,” Win said, ruffling my hair. I made a sound, ducking out from under his hand, and he chuckled. “Come on. Introduce me to your friends.”

Nodding, I picked up the coffee Veronica made and caught her eye. “Are we good?”

She smiled. “Of course, Wes. We’re good.”

The tension sitting on my shoulders lifted, and I smiled. “Cool.”

“Do you want to order?” she asked Win.

He threw his arm over my shoulder. “Just bring me what Wes is having.”

She nodded and then went into the back, and I turned away from the counter.

Win’s amused expression landed on mine. “What the hell was that about?”

I groaned. “You wouldn’t even believe me if I told you.”

His brows shot up. “You gotta tell me now.”

My eyes swept the diner, landing on our booth, but no one new was there.

“Max isn’t here,” Win said, making my eyes leap to his.

“How’d you get here, then?” I asked, playing it off. I mean, it was a totally reasonable thing to wonder. I wasn’t at all disappointed Max wasn’t here.

He smiled. “Uber.”

I gaped. “You called an Uber?”

“Had to. Someone stole my car.”

I rolled my eyes and led him over to the booth. “Hey, guys,” I started, but Jamie cut me off. “Winston Sinclair, about time you show your face around here.”

Win laughed under his breath. “Just call me Win.”

“More laid-back thanMaxenalready,” Jamie quipped.

Win turned a questioning eye in my direction, and I sighed. “Max told them they had to call him Maxen.”

Win laughed.

“So of course we never call him that.” Jamie continued.

Amused, Win asked, “And which one are you?”

“I’m the cherry on top of this friend sundae.”

“Jamie, then?”

Jamie flashed his pearly whites. “Ah, I see Wes has told you about me.”