Page 80 of Wish

I groaned. Flashes of the kiss we shared assaulted me. How needy he’d been, how fucking onboard.

“And what if it didn’t work out?” I asked my brother. “What if I gave in to whatever it is between us? What if we burned hot and heavy and then simmered out? What if my temper was too much for him to take? What if I’m too much likehim?”

“You are nothing like that sperm donor,” Win intoned, anger flashing in his eyes.

He hated my father. We all did.

“Well, his DNA swims in my veins. Getting beat on from the time I was a toddler left its mark. We all know I have a short fuse. I’m prone to violence. You really want someone like that with your baby brother?”

“You’d never hurt him like that.”

The words ripped out of me, hollow and scared. “But what if I do?”

Win pursed his lips, then said, “So that time when he was in the hospital and you—”

I made a sound. “Don’t say it.”

“Why? Because you know it proves I’m right?” Win was a pushy bastard.

“What if we don’t work out?” I argued. “Then what? The three of us will never be the same. I promised Mom, Win. I promised her we’d stay together.”

“I promised her too. And we will. Even if I have to force you two assholes to sit at dinner and avoid looking at each other every week.”

“I can’t,” I whispered.How could I put what I want over what he needs?

Wes needed his family, what little of us was left. I couldn’t risk that.

Win’s quiet voice cut into my spiraling. “Did you ever think that maybe everything Mom did on her deathbed was to get us to this point?”

My head snapped up.

“Maybe Mom did what she had to do to keep us together because she knew Wes belonged with you. Maybe they never officially adopted you because they didn’t want to make it harder for you to be together.”

“You know my biologics refused to let them adopt me,” I quarreled, my heart stinging in my chest. Why was he saying this shit? Why was he acting like it was all okay?Please don’t make me love him more.

“Maybe they knew they didn’t need to adopt you because Wes would make you official someday.”

I sucked in a breath, pain lancing my chest. “Why are you saying this?”

“Because it’s time I did.”

I looked up, searching his gaze. “And what about you? You aren’t pissed off?”

He half smiled. “That you’re totally in love with my little brother?”

I didn’t deny it. I didn’t agree with him either. I was still in partial shock we were even having this conversation.

“I always knew whenhelaid into you especially hard. Even though you never said so, I always knew. Know how?”

I shook my head. The knot in my throat made it impossible to speak.

“Because those were the nights you climbed into bed with Wes. The nights you needed the most comfort, it was his blanket you went under, his side you went to.”

I stiffened, hating what he was implying.

Win put his hand on my shoulder, stopping the brewing outburst. “I’m not saying it was likethat, but even as kids, there was a pull between you both. When you were your most broken and beaten, it was him you sought. Little curly-headed Wes who slept with a nightlight just so you could find your way to him if you needed to.”

I made a stricken sound. “Just stop, Win.”