Page 89 of WTF

Sitting around alone in my dorm room, jumping at every noise, and wondering if Oskar was here was more torture than just going to a party.

Maybe it would be fun.

Maybe monkeys would fly too.

“Are you going to dance with me, Maxi?” Wes said from the darkened passenger seat.


“Fine. I’ll dance with someone else.” Wes smarted off, and I bit back a smile.

“And I’ll throw you over my shoulder and drag you out just like I did the last time.”

“You can’t expect me not to dance,” Wes whined.

“You can dance with Lars.”

I made a choked sound. “Is there going to be vodka?” I asked. Maybe I’d just get drunk. Then I could have fun and not worry about my abusive ex lurking around America and folding my shirts.

Wes was amused. “Bypassing the beer and going straight to the hard stuff.”

“Less chance of an allergic reaction,” I explained. Never mind that vodka went down easier.

“Vodka it is.” Wes agreed.

“You can each have one,” Max declared.

I didn’t even have time to react to that because Wes erupted. “Newsflash, you’re my boyfriend, not my dad.”

Max rumbled a laugh. “You wanna call me daddy, Nemo?”

Wes made a gagging sound. “What is it with you and Win today?”

The Jeep jerked. “What the hell does Win have to do with you calling me daddy?”

“I’d kinda like to know the answer to that too,” I put in from the backseat.

Max laughed.

“I’m getting drunk,” Wes declared.

“Like hell,” Max muttered.

The old gym where the party was being held was on the edge of campus, some old building that was never torn down and just sat there, imposing and old.

Tons of cars were parked on the sprawling overgrown but brown lawn.

Max pulled the Jeep into an empty space while Wes waved out the window. “Ryan and Jamie are here.”

I followed his gaze to see a black Rubicon parked nearby and Wes’s friends standing at the back. Yeah, I guess I could call them my friends too, but something held me back.

Maybe because you expect Oskar to pop up and ruin it all.

“Bros!” Jamie hollered as we walked over the dried, crunchy grass toward them. “Time to get our party on.”

Madison and Rory came forward to fuss over Wes, something that he seemed entirely used to, so obviously it was nothing new.

“Brooooos!” Kruger and Prism waved, two light-colored blobs in the night.