Page 6 of WTF

He snorted. And I swear I saw the hint of a smile on his lips.

I tapped on the screen, speaking out loud as I was typing. “Ignore his angelic appearance. I assure you he’s nothing but trouble.”

The car swerved when he lunged for the phone.

I tugged it into my chest, hugging it tight, and laughed out loud. The second the car swerved, he pulled back, both hands white-knuckling the wheel, his sharp jaw tight.

I bet if I ran my finger along that line, he would slice me open.

The random thought would have been unsettling if the spots of pink on his fair cheeks didn’t steal my attention. I studied him a minute, totally entertained by how easy it was to get under his skin.

Feeling my stare, he glanced at me from the corner of his eye before returning immediately to the road.

I settled farther into the seat, rubbing my palms along my still-damp forearms. “Relax, angel, I won’t tease you anymore. Driving safely is more important.”

He glared at me once more from the corner of his eye.

I held up my hands in surrender. “I promise,” I told him, then went as far as to have the app promise in Swedish as well.Jag lovar.

“Jag lovar,” I repeated.

After that, his grip on the wheel loosened, and we rode in silence.



He’s worsethan I expected.

Big. Dumb. Dopey smile. His teeth were blindingly white.

He talked to me like I was stupid.

Well, to be fair, you acted like you don’t know English.

Whose side are you on?I literally argued with myself.

This was it. This was the day I’d finally go insane.

He’s kinda cute.

No.No,he is not cute. He’s like a giant drooling dog that was never trained and probably pees on everything he sees.

I stole a look at him from the corner of my eye. His thick chestnut hair was plastered to his head from the rain but still messy and ruffled. His hazel eyes were trained out the window, eagerly taking in every sight.

What the hell was he so tall for? And wide? Probably all those hormones Americans pumped their packaged food full of. I wasn’t that small, but he made me feel it.

I hate it. If he thinks he can use his size against me, he has another thing coming. I can’t live with him. I won’t.As soon as we got back to school, I would tell Coach. No. I would go straight to the dean!

Just his presence was suffocating as if he were sucking all the air out of this car and leaving none at all for me. And how insulting was that app? Who comes to another country without even knowing how to greet someone in the proper language?

The sound of his camera clicking had me whipping all my attention back to him. It was beyond rude to take photos of people without their permission. Except he wasn’t taking another photo of me. He was turned away, taking photos of whatever he found fascinating out the window.

“This place is cool,” he said, snapping another photo. As he sank back into the seat, his fingers flew over the screen. A rather loud grumbling sound had my spine straightening a bit and me stealing another glance at him.

His oversized hand rubbed over his stomach. “I’m starving,” he announced.

Turning in the seat, I felt hopeful hazel eyes fall on me.